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The Provincial Archives of New Brunswick collects, preserves, and makes available for research, documents and records bearing upon the history of New Brunswick.
search-recherche Database Guide
What are you looking for?
(The guide below will help you locate our most requested resources. Additional resources can be found by using the navigation links to the left.)

I'm looking for births, marriages, and/or deaths.
* Vital Statistics
* Marriage Bonds
* Saint John Burial Permits
* New Brunswick Cemeteries
* CFB Gagetown Cemeteries

I'm looking for immigration records.
* Port Returns
* Irish Famine Migration

I'm looking for land records.
* Land Grants
* Land Petitions

I'm looking for historical photos.
* Historical Images of New Brunswick
* On-line Exhibits

I'm looking for newspaper information.
* New Brunswick Newspaper Directory
November 3, 2006

new-nouveau What's New
RS141 Vital Stats
October 25, 2006
Updated - RS141C5 Deaths: 4,745 records added for 1956.

Daniel F. Johnson's New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics
October 13, 2006
The Database of Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers, based on over twenty-three years of work by Danny Johnson, is an extraordinary contribution to genealogical, biographical, demographic and historical research.

information Information
Provincial Archives
Bonar Law - Bennett Building
23 Dineen Drive
UNB Campus
Fredericton, NB

Monday - Friday
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed on statutory holidays, Easter weekend (Good Friday through Easter Monday), New Brunswick Day (first Monday in August), and Rememberance Day (Nov 11). Hours may change during the Christmas and New Year period.

information On Line
Database records
database-base de données 1,676,898
photographs-photographies 5,042
Digitized documents
digitized documents-documents digitalisés 55,115
documents 161
Active users
users 137

information Other Links

image Historical Images of New Brunswick

This random image was taken from our Historical Images of New Brunswick database.

View this image... (600x387 - 61kb)

email Contact us
Department of Supply and Services
Provincial Archives (Bonar Law - Bennet Building)
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
tel.:(506)453-2122 fax:(506)453-3288

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