Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement logo.
Government of Canada logo.
Government of Manitoba logo.

Ministers Message

Message from the Ministers responsible for the Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement:

The federal and provincial governments are working with organizations in the community to support sustainable economic growth and employment through the Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement.

Manitoba boasts one of Canada’s most diverse economies. We are home to major industries such as aerospace, bus manufacturing, food processing, health products and research, and agriculture. Our diverse economy is a balanced one; no single sector dominates. This diversity is a major strength that will help ensure our long-term economic stability.

The current Economic Partnership Agreement builds upon a strong foundation of coordinated federal, provincial and regional economic development programming. It is tailored specifically to support innovative projects that benefit our communities. We are committed to fostering economic development and strengthening the skill sets of Manitobans.

The agreement is designed to capitalize on Manitoba’s strongest points: a productive, multilingual labour force; a tradition of prolific entrepreneurial ventures; a climate favourable to business; a modern and extensive communications infrastructure; and a broad network of research and development facilities – just to cite a few examples.

Together, we will continue to harness our resources and promote community-based economic development in the urban, rural and northern areas of Manitoba. Through these initiatives, we are working together to improve and enrich the lives of all Manitobans.


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