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"Injuries in Manitoba:  A 10-Year Review" updates and appendices

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Manitoba Health Publications

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NOTE:  These files are presented in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).

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Cancer Incidence and Prevalence in the Manitoba Regional Health Authorities
This report is the culmination of work undertaken by the Epidemiology Unit of Manitoba Health and the Department of Preventive Oncology and Epidemiology of the Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation.  It provides information on the number and rate of incident (1990-96) and prevalent (1996) cancer cases in each Regional Health Authority (RHA).
April 1998 | 55 pages | 268 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

Diabetes:  A Manitoba Strategy (click here)

Diabetes:  A Manitoba Strategy
  see also:  Diabetes publications

"This document is the response of more than 1,000 Manitobans to the challenge of providing a strategic plan that will reduce the number of cases of diabetes and its devastating effects...and forge strong, long-lasting partnerships that will affect diabetes prevention, education, care, research and support in Manitoba."
1998 | 96 pages | 1.8 Mb
Audience:  Health care professionals

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Discussion Paper for the Development of a Provincial Sexually Transmitted Diseases Control Strategy
The purpose of a provincial sexually transmitted disease (STD) control strategy is to provide provincial leadership to government, regional health authorities, and community groups in the prevention of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.  By committing to provincial goals and using appropriate strategies to address the needs of vulnerable populations, STD control and prevention programs can reduce the burden of STD morbidity in Manitoba.
June 2000 | 36 pages | 154 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

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Drinking Water Advisory Committee Report
Public health officials across the country have been stimulated to review their own water programs, particularly with respect to the identification of bacterial contamination and appropriate follow-up action.  On June 9, 2000, the Drinking Water Advisory Committee was established by the Ministers of Health and Conservation to conduct a review-audit of the reporting and follow-up procedures for bacterial testing of all water systems in Manitoba.
November 2000 | 38 pages
Audience:  Health care professionals, General public

Environmental Tobacco Smoke:  What Manitobans Said Environmental Tobacco Smoke:  What Manitobans Said
"Based on the information obtained through the public consultation process, the All-Party Task Force on Environmental Tobacco Smoke is recommending that the provincial government enact legislation calling for a complete ban of smoking in all enclosed public and indoor workplaces where the provincial government has clear jurisdiction, to come into effect October 1, 2004, and that a public education campaign precede the implementation date."
November 2003

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Epidemiologic Projections of Diabetes and its Complications:  "Forecasting the Coming Storm"
This report's objective is to describe a model for predicting the future prevalence of diabetes and its complications, and use it to predict the future shape and magnitude of the diabetes epidemic.
1999 | 53 pages | 144 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

click here to view this report

The Health of Manitoba’s Métis Population and their Utilization of Medical Services:  A Pilot Study

This pilot study examined the feasibility of linking a sample of the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) membership list to Manitoba Health and CancerCare Manitoba databases and to use the resulting linked records to provide estimates of the health status of the Manitoba’s Métis population and their utilization of medical services.
May 2002 | 39 pages | 165 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

The Increasing Cancer Burden:  Manitoba Cancer Projections 1999-2005

The Increasing Cancer Burden:  Manitoba Cancer Projections 1999-2025

This report describes the initial methodology and results from the ongoing work on projecting cancer incidence and prevalence in Manitoba to the year 2025.  Data from CancerCare Manitoba’s cancer registry and Manitoba Health’s hospital and population registry files were used for the projections.
June 2001 | 97 pages | 345 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

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Influenza in Manitoba:  1999/2000 Season

The purpose of this report is to assist in planning, analyzing and implementing influenza prevention programs to progress towards meeting regional, provincial and national goals.
For related documents:  Communicable Disease Control Unit
January 2001 | 30 pages | 281 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

Click here to see the report

Manitoba Perinatal Surveillance Report 1989-1998

This surveillance report continues to use a conceptual framework that identifies four key areas influencing perinatal health; that is, maternal health, maternal care, newborn care and infant care.  Within that context, various aspects of perinatal health and care practices are described from a provincial perspective for the period from 1989 to 1998.
November 2000 | 112 pages | 743 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

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Manitoba Perinatal Surveillance Report 1985-1996

This surveillance report identifies four key areas influencing perinatal health:  maternal health, maternal care, newborn care and infant care.  Various aspects of perinatal health and care practices are described from a provincial perspective for the period from 1985 to 1996.
March 1999 | 82 pages
Audience:  Health care professionals

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza in Manitoba

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza in Manitoba
This is a summary document that highlights: key facts about pandemic influenza, public health preparedness activities in Manitoba, and how a public health response to pandemic influenza will be handled in Manitoba. The goal of this document is to provide information to the public about pandemic influenza, how public health is preparing, and how individuals and families can prepare themselves.

October 2005 | 29 pages | 674 KB

click here Public Health Nursing Offices:  Rural Directory

This directory is designed to identify and locate the Public Health service providers to all communities, First Nations and Hutterite colonies in Manitoba.  The directory is compiled and maintained by the Public Health Branch of Manitoba Health, with information and support provided by the Regional Health Authorities.
June 2001 | 57 pages | 303 Kb
Audience:  General public

click here

Public Health Nursing Offices:  Winnipeg Directory

This directory is designed to identify and locate the Public Health service providers in the city of Winnipeg.  The directory is compiled and maintained by the Public Health Branch of Manitoba Health.
August 2000 | 2 pages
Audience:  General public

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The Winnipeg Injection Drug Epidemiology (W.I.D.E.) Study

The Winnipeg Injection Drug Epidemiology (WIDE) Study is a cross-sectional survey of injection drug users (IDU) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, conducted in 1998. The study involved a screening questionnaire to identify persons with a history of injection drug use, and an in-depth interview and HIV test for consenting participants.
December 1999 | 54 pages | 108 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals

For more Public Health information, please see our Fact Sheets

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Regional Health Authorities A-Z
Click here Achieving Accountability

The purpose of this discussion document is to define accountability relationships within Manitoba's health care system.
August 1999 | 9 pages | 528 Kb
Audience:  Health care professionals, general public

Click here to see the document Community Health Needs Assessment Guidelines

A community health needs assessment is a dynamic ongoing process undertaken to identify the strengths and needs of the community, enable the community-wide establishment of health priorities, and facilitate collaborative action planning directed at improving community health status and quality of life.  This guide sets out a process that regions should use.
February 1997 | 22 pages
Audience:  Regional Health Authorities, General Public

Click here to view Core Health Services in Manitoba

Core health services include the full range of health services now funded by Manitoba Health and to which all Manitobans must have access. This document provides information about these core health services.
February 1997 | 36 pages
Audience:  Regional Health Authorities, General Public

Click here Including Gender in Health Planning:  A Guide for Regional Health Authorities

This tool has been developed by the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence with funding and assistance from Manitoba Health, to assist Regional Health Authorities to include gender in their upcoming Community Health Assessments. The Guide is also being used to promote gender and health planning in Manitoba Health.
May 2003 | 25 pages
Audience:  Health care professionals

Click here to view A Planning Framework to Promote, Preserve and Protect the Health of Manitobans

The challenge facing Manitoba's health system, as in other provinces, is to preserve the principles of the Canada Health Act, in the face of increasing costs, increasing demand for health services, and constrained financial resources.
February 1997 | 22 pages
Audience:  Regional Health Authorities, General Public

Click here to view Provincial Health Indicators

These indicators were developed for Manitoba Health and the Regional Health Authorities to assure standardized data reporting and allow tracking of important health issues.  They will assist the RHAs in describing the health status of their population in the annual report submitted to Manitoba Health.
August 1999 | 50 pages | 118 Kb
Audience:  Regional Health Authorities

Regional Health Authorities Board Members Nomination Information

Regional Health Authorities Board Members Nomination Information



Revised December 2002 | 3 pages | 437 Kb
Audience:  Regional Health Authorities

Click here to see the document The Role of the Public Health Nurse Within the Regional Health Authority

This document describes the role of public health nursing within Manitoba's Regional Health Authorities.
October 1998 | 20 pages | 189 Kb

Audience:  Health care professionals, general public

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Miscellaneous Health Publications A-Z
Click here for the Annual Report Annual Report

The Annual Report is organized in accordance with the Department of Health appropriation structure, as set out in the Main Estimates of Expenditure of the Province of Manitoba for the fiscal year ending March 31, each year.  It provides information on the Department and the Manitoba Health Services Insurance Plan.

Click here for the Annual Statistics Annual Statistics

The Annual Statistics provides material descriptive of the population of Manitoba.  It includes statistics on the operation of Health Programs and utilization of hospital, medical, chiropractic, optometric, oral surgery, Pharmacare, and long term care services by Manitoba residents.

Living Will Health Care Directive (Living Will)

As a Manitoba citizen you have the right to accept or refuse medical treatment at any time.  The Health Care Directive (or Living Will) allows you to express your wishes regarding the amount and type of health care and treatment you wish to receive in the event you become unable to speak or otherwise indicate your wishes.

Manitoba Health Physician's Manual Manitoba Health Physician's Manual

The Manitoba Health Physician’s Manual is an integral part of the negotiated contract between the Minister of Health and the Manitoba Medical Association regarding compensation for fee-for-service physicians.

Size:  5.3 MB | 387 pages | Released April 1, 2004

Manitoba's Health Human Resource Plan Manitoba's Health Human Resource Plan:  A Report on Supply

This report is intended to address the current supply issues of health human resources in Manitoba.  It provides an update of the HHR supply and initiatives in the province, and lays the foundation for future HHR planning strategies with providers, employers and other stakeholders in Manitoba.
Size:  1.5 MB | 26 pages | Released April 2006

click here Pharmacare: A Program for Today and Tomorrow

This document identifies the key areas where action is required to preserve Manitoba Pharmacare.

Size:  2.3 MB | 10 pages | Released April 23, 2004
HTML version:  www.gov.mb.ca/health/pharmacare/strategy.html

Click here for the Population Report Population Report

The population data shown in this report are based on records of residents registered with Manitoba Health as at June 1, each year. Data for the regions include population of cities, towns, villages, rural municipalities, local government districts, and unorganized territories. 

click here Report of the Review and Implementation Committee for The Report of the Manitoba Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Inquest

"The work of this Committee was a response to an Inquest Report into the tragic deaths of 12 infants in the pediatric cardiac surgery program at the Health Sciences Centre in 1994."

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A Strategy for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias in Manitoba

In this report, the Alzheimer Strategy Steering Group recommends actions that are pivotal to developing Implementation Strategies for the care of Manitobans with Alzheimer Disease and related dementias and their families.

October 2002 | 55 pages | 304 Kb

Click here to see the document A Study of the Service Needs of Pregnant Addicted Women in Manitoba

By Caroline L. Tait
This is a policy research project funded by Manitoba Health and conducted in cooperation with the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence.

June 2000 | 119 pages | 746 Kb

Click here Worklife Task Force:  Renewing Our Commitment to Nurses

The Minister of Health established the Worklife Task Force in March 2000 as one component of a five-point plan to address nursing issues. The mandate of the Task Force was to examine issues that affect nurses’ working conditions and their workplace environment.

June 2001 | 77 pages | 447 Kb

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