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Residential Tenancies Branch

We are collecting this personal information for the purpose of creating a subscriber list for the Residential Tenancies Branch newsletter.

It is protected by the Protection of Privacy provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection, contact the Branch at 945-2476 or 1-800-782-8403.

  * Mandatory Fields

Mr.     Mrs.     Ms.

* First Name

* Last Name

Company Name

* Address1 (apartment number, street number and name)

Mailing Address (if different from Address1)

* City                           * Province                   * Postal Code

Please indicate if this is a change of address:  Yes      No

Phone Number

Fax Number


Are you a:
Landlord   Tenant

Language preference:
English     French

How would you like to receive the newsletter?
Regular mail       Fax       Email


If you do not receive a "Thank You" after clicking the Submit Form button, then please resubmit your information.






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