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Hudson's Bay Company Archives
About HBCA

The Hudson's Bay Company Archives (HBCA), a division of the Archives of Manitoba, is home to one of Canada's national treasures - the records of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC).

The Hudson's Bay Company's records document the history of the HBC since its inception in 1670 following the history of the fur trade, North American exploration, the development of Canada as a country and the growth of HBC's Canadian retail empire.

The HBCA is dedicated to making our records available and accessible to clients locally, nationally and internationally. Whether you are tracing your family tree, working on a school project, looking for a map or photograph or doing in-depth historical research, we'll do our best to help you find what you need.

Our Mandate

The Hudson's Bay Company Archives (HBCA), a division of the Archives of Manitoba, is the official repository for the records of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC). HBCA operates under The Archives and Record Keeping Act (2003) and the 1994 gift agreement between the Hudson's Bay Company and the Province of Manitoba.

Our Mission

The Hudson's Bay Company Archives:

  • preserves the holdings of the HBCA for use by present and future generations
  • acquires records of the Hudson's Bay Company and other records related to its history and its historiography
  • promotes understanding and use of the records through description, automation and client service initiatives
  • provides a high standard of public service both in the Archives Research Room and for those contacting us from throughout the country and around the world
  • promotes awareness of the records of the HBC through a variety of public programs

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Our Program

Our main programs are:

Client Service

  • on-site and remote assistance to provincial, national and international clients through the administration and staffing of the Archives Research Room
  • coordinating and responding to research inquiries
  • the administration of HBCA's microfilm loan program

Acquisition and Special Media

  • appraisal and acquisition of archival records of all media from private sources
  • administration of access to special media records and photographic reproduction services
  • the administration of exhibit loans

Description and Automation

  • promotes control and use of HBCA's holdings through standard, automated descriptions
  • the development and maintenance of the Keystone database and HBCA's website

Public Programming

  • promotes profile, value and use of the Hudson's Bay Company Archives through such activities as conference presentations, individual and group tours and strategies to enhance access to the records

Currently there are 16 full-time positions in HBCA. HBCA also supports two internships annually, in conjunction with the University of Manitoba Archival Studies program.

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