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VAC Activities

VAC/DND Interdepartmental Coordination

VAC - CF Project Team

The VAC-CF Project Team is providing a central coordination point within VAC for all matters concerning VAC/DND. The mandate of this project is to improve service within existing policy frameworks; introduce new policy changes; and coordinate new business lines. This team is also working to identify issues of mutual concern between both departments, facilitating action and monitoring progress on improvement initiatives between DND and VAC.

Senior Management Exchange

Brigadier-General Pierre Boutet has been on secondment to Veterans Affairs Canada as the Department of National Defence (DND) liaison since March 1998. He is working closely with our Veterans Services Branch to improve services to members of the Canadian Forces (CF). Violet Parker, former VAC Director of Foreign Country Operations, is currently at work as VAC's liaison in DND Ottawa.


Serving CF Clients

Responding to Individual Client Needs

The implementation of the Client Centred Service Approach will enable us to provide more personalized caring service to all our clients, whether they are aging veterans whose spouse or other family members are providing care, or CF members with complex needs and young families. We are now in the process of making our Pension Officers, Area Counsellors and other staff more accessible to CF clients. At CFB Petawawa and CFB Valcartier, for example, VAC already has staff on-site one day a week. This is proving to be a rewarding experience for those involved and we are receiving very positive feedback from CF clients on these bases. We plan to implement this service on other major bases soon. This is only one example of a closer relationship which we are pursuing with our colleagues at the Department of National Defence (DND).

Increase in CF Pension Clients

Nationally, 43 per cent of first applications received in 1997/98 were submitted by current or former CF members and in some District Offices, the percentage was much higher - for example, they accounted for 78 per cent of first applications in Quebec City District Office. We are now more responsive to the need to adjudicate quickly on pension eligibility following serious injury or death arising from CF service. We have developed a system where DND identifies these cases and provides us with the information necessary to adjudicate quickly. We continue to attach significant weight to the client statement in making a pension decision and we are actively involved in solving documentation issues together on a case-by-case basis.

Post-deployment Regional Health Clinics

A Memorandum of Understanding has been developed between DND and VAC to facilitate access for both current and former CF members to DND's Post-deployment Regional Health Clinics, located at five major Bases across the country (Halifax, Valcartier, Ottawa, Edmonton, Esquimalt). This will enable CF clients who apply for a disability pension to obtain appropriate diagnostic testing to clarify their disability in difficult to diagnose cases for pension entitlement, and provide us with assistance in developing appropriate treatment plans.


The DND/VAC Centre for the Support of Injured and Retired Members and their Families

The DND/VAC Centre for the Support of Injured and Retired Members and their Families, referred to as "The Centre," is a centralized, interdepartmentally operated facility for the purpose of providing information, referral and assistance support to serving and released Canadian Forces (CF) members and reservists with injuries or illnesses, their families, and survivors of deceased CF members.

Developing a CF Profile

VAC has conducted a number of research activities including a series of focus groups to develop a profile of its Canadian Forces (CF) clients. The aim of these activities is to identify the current and future needs of VAC's CF clients and to identify any gaps in benefits and services to ensure they receive the care and support they need.

SCAN and Pre- and Post-deployment Seminars

An improved understanding of our respective programs and services is an important step in improving service to our joint clients. We are providing information about VAC's disability pension process and related health care benefits to CF members through a number of venues: Base Surgeon's conferences and Medical Officer training courses, pre-deployment briefings and presentations to new recruits. A new presentation targeting members attending Second Career Assistance Network (SCAN) sessions highlights the pension process and related health care services and benefits.


VAC Staff - Understanding of The Needs of Our CF Clients and Their Families

Familiarization/Education Sessions for Staff

VAC staff have reacted enthusiastically to opportunities to attend exercises and briefings on bases to increase their knowledge and understanding of the working and living conditions of CF members. This is as close as we get to experiencing the sights and sounds of battle. Tours of bases and naval frigates have already been carried out; others are planned across the country. The Quebec Region, in particular, has been very active in this area.

Witness the Evil

VAC staff across the country who work in Head Office, Regional Offices and District Offices have had an opportunity to view, or soon will, the video "Witness the Evil". Each viewing is followed by a debriefing session so that staff can discuss how the video affected them.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

We are also taking every opportunity to increase our knowledge about and sensitivity to some of the emerging medical issues relevant to CF clients, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as other difficult to diagnose conditions. We are working closely with DND to ensure that there is no gap and/or barriers to accessing services such as counselling.

Updated: 1999-6-25