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E-mail Holds Deep Meaning for Veteran Delegates

It is sometimes difficult, often emotional to travel back to places we haven't been since our youth. Perhaps more so for a Veteran travelling as a delegate on a pilgrimage. To experience once again deep feelings not forgotten, comradeship once cherished and since lost, and to re-discover a country once wrought with battle reclaimed by the evolution of change.

For this reason, it is important for Canadians to show their support to these same men and women as they travel to commemorative cenotaphs and memorials in foreign places. As well, Veterans Affairs Canada, encouraged by the daily e-mail received through our site, wanted to provide a forum for messages to be shared with pilgrimage members.

October 11 -- Hello Canadian service men and women: I must say that it gives me great pleasure to read about fellow service men and women who devoted their lives to serve our country. My father served with the Governor General Horseguards out of Toronto. I believe that he was with the Armored 5th division. My dad's name was Leslie Oscar Hawgood, and he was wounded at Cassino. My father has since passed on, and every now and again I look at his medals and wonder what it was like over in Italy, since my father didn't talk about it. Seeing the pictures on the web and the stories that Canadian men and women served in this area that my father was in when he was only 18 years old. Many thanks to you people for your unselfish service you paid for our freedom. let us not forget your fallen comrades who gave their lives so that we could enjoy our freedom. Paul Hawgood, Bracebridge, Ontario

October 6 -- George Dingwell: Best wishes to the War Veterans on tour in Italy, especially to George Dingwell, Corner Brook, a dear friend of mine and my late husband, Maxwell Mullett, who was a veteran of the 166th Newfoundland Field Regiment, RA, and served in Italy 1943-45. Enjoy your tour and may you all have a safe trip home. Emily Mullett, Corner Brook, NF

October 5 -- Well Wishes: To those of you who are taking part in remembering history by travelling back to a place that holds more unpleasant memories than pleasant ones, I wish you all the very best and my thoughts are with you. With the recent adoption of my daughter I have begun my family tree and one member of my tree that I am most interested in is my grandfather whom I know only from stories told to me by my late grandmother. He is buried in Coriano Ridge War Cemetery. When I was younger, I made a promise to my grandmother that one day her and I would make the trip to see his grave, she has since passed away and now more than ever I want to make that trip. Until such time that I am able to do so, I wonder, should someone wish to stand two minutes in silence at his grave I would be most grateful.

My grandfathers name is:
He is located:
Grave 3, Row A, Plot 13

I ask this for myself but more so for my grandmother who made sure his children and grandchildren still got to know him even though we never had the good fortune to have ever met him. I cannot express enough gratitude for your bravery, but please know that in my family we will never forget. Sincerely, Mrs. Darlene Halsey ( in memory of William and Amy Berry )

October 5 -- Roland Demers: Hi Dad! keeping tabs on you . . . we know you're having a good time. There's tons of stuff on the internet and we're copying it all for you and for my boys so they an appreciate your efforts when they are old enough to fully understand. Mom's doing fine and we look forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back..miss you. Love Linda

October 5 -- Hi Grampa! Just got the web page address and the e-mail address to reach you over in Italy from Geoff! I read the bio the web page they did on you and although I already knew what an amazing man you are, to see it on the screen, speaking so highly of you, brought a tear to my eye. I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you and of what you did when you fought in the war. I hope you are enjoying yourself over there. I can't imagine what an experience Uncle Greg is having right now. Say hello to him for me, k? I should go now. I was trying to make this as short as I could, but I tend to ramble on. I can't wait to see you when you get back and hear all the stories and hopefully see some pictures of your trip. I'll probably e-mail you again before you get back, but until then, I love you Grampa. Love, Tanya

October 4 -- Roland Demers: Please say Hi to my Dad and tell him I hope he is having a great time. We are watching the day by day travels on the Veterans web page. Tell him we saw him picking up his suitcase off the ground as he was boarding the plane for Italy. I hope all you men and women have a great time. We are so proud of you all. Carole Anger

October 3 -- Cal Peppler: I have been following your activities on the Internet, doesn't sound like you are one they were mentioning was suffering from jet lag. I got your message sent a reply then realize this was the e-mail we were suppose to send it to. So hope you get one of them. Love Audrey

October 3 -- George M. Dingwell, from Corner Brook Nfld., Following your travels on the internet. Will keep Joyce informed as you travel. Our best wishes, enjoy your Visit. Regards, Milligan & Mildred

October 3 -- Hi Dad! We've been monitoring your progress in Italy through the Veterans Affairs internet web site and we're amazed at the publishing work they are doing. I've printed out the page that provides the biographies of each of the Delegates. For your own edification, I've included your bio description below. It looks pretty accurate to me. Wilfred (jr.), Louise and Dylan

October 2 -- Dear Dick, Our thoughts are with you on this day ( October 5, 1999). May peace and comfort travel with you. Take Care, Love Marj (Auntie), Janis & Paul

Updated: 1999-10-12