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The New Veterans Charter

New Veterans Charter - Questions & Answers


Q1: What is the original Veterans Charter and why do we need a new one?

A1: The original Veterans Charter, legislation enacted at the end of the Second World War, provided a comprehensive set of programs and services designed to facilitate the transition and rehabilitation of Veterans from military to civilian life. It was characterized by then Minister of Veterans Affairs, the Hon. Ian MacKenzie, as "the most ambitious program of rehabilitation ever undertaken, in this or any other country."

As these Veterans aged, their needs changed, and the programs changed with them. The New Veterans Charter is being developed to address the unique needs of CF Veterans who require programs and services based on opportunity and wellness. The average age of releasing CF members is 36 - an age where they and their families need the assurance of a secure future; and assistance as they transition from their specialized career in the Forces to civilian employment. In addition, some of them will require support to address chronic pain, permanent disability and operational stress injuries resulting from their service to our country.

Q2: When will the new services be available to CF Veterans?

A2: The enabling legislation for the New Veterans Charter has received Royal Assent. It is called the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-Establishment and Compensation Act. New programs and initiatives arising from this legislation could be implemented as early as April 2006.

Q3: Is modernization a cost-saving measure?

A3: No. VAC's modernization initiative is not about saving. We are re-allocating resources from within a system that is not adequately meeting the needs of CF Veterans and their families, and investing in a broader range of programs and services.

Q4: How will current clients be affected?

A4: Traditional war service Veterans will be unaffected by these changes. Their needs are, and will continue to be, a priority. Simply put, we are adding capacity to serve all of our Veteran clients.

Current clients and their survivors will continue to receive a monthly payment for any disability pension previously awarded under the Pension Act. Under the new Act, both current and former CF members will be able to apply for a lump sum award pertaining to a service-related disability for which no application has previously been made. CF Veterans may also apply for benefits and services under the new programs including rehabilitation and vocational assistance services, earnings loss benefits and health benefits based on service-related needs.

Q5: I now get a monthly disability pension. Can I change it to a lump sum payment under the New Charter?

A5: No. You will continue to get a monthly payment for that condition.

Job Placement Assistance Program

Q1: What does the Job Placement Assistance program offer?

A1: The program includes:

  • Job-search Training and Transition Workshops which provide tips to identify your transferable skills; job interview training and practise interviews; advice on managing your civilian career and how to create a professional résumé; information about pursuing self-employment; and a "how to" approach to access skills training programs.
  • Individual Career Counselling offers more in-depth help to identify your skills and strengths including: aptitude and interest testing; transferable skills analysis; job market research and analysis of your intended community of residence; finalization of your résumé. All this will lead to the joint development, by you and your counsellor, of a personal job search plan.
  • Job Search Assistance - your job search plan now under way, your Counsellor will work with you as you seek out a suitable career opportunity. "Suitable" employment is defined as appropriate given your skills and experiences, aspirations, aptitudes, and where you intend to live.

Q2: Do I qualify for the Job Placement Assistance program?

A2: You qualify if you are:

  • a Regular Force member/Veteran who has completed basic training; or
  • a Reservist who completed at least 21 months of full-time service during a 24 month period or had Special Duty or Emergency Service and after returning to civilian life suffered a job loss or reduction in pay.

In both cases, you must apply within two years after completion of that service.

CF Veterans who receive Canadian Forces Income Support automatically qualify.

Members who are releasing for medical reasons receive this assistance through SISIP's or VAC's Rehabilitation Program.

Spouses or partners may qualify for this program if the CF Veteran was eligible for Job Placement, but has passed away. Pease contact VAC for more information.

Q3: When should I apply to this program?


  • If you are in the Regular Force you may apply for the workshops after attending the SCAN Transition seminar and, for the balance of the program once you have received your release instruction or, if you are entitled to an immediate annuity, once you have submitted your request for release.
  • If you are a Reservist or the survivor of a CF Veteran you may apply as soon as you are eligible. (see Question 2)

In all cases, you have two years from your release date or other cause of eligibility to apply.

Q4: Why should I apply for this program? I already have a job lined up; I don't believe it will help me.

A4: While there is no requirement for you to apply, you are likely to find the workshops useful, as there are discussions on such things as managing the transition to civilian work life and tips for civilian career management. You can request a placement in the next upcoming workshop by contacting your Personnel Selection Officer (PSO).

As you have already secured employment, the other services of this program may not benefit you. However, should your employment opportunity not work out, you have two years from the date of your release to sign up for the full Job Placement Assistance program.

Q5: How do I apply for Job Placement Assistance?

A5: You must complete an application form and submit proof of your eligibility (e.g. confirmation of release date and category, which is available from your release instruction).

You can get an application at:

  • any on-base VAC office;
  • any VAC District Office;
  • at your transition interview; or
  • by calling VAC at: 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (French).

Q6: I was told to submit proof of my eligibility. What kind of documentation do I need to provide?

A6: This will depend on the military service you performed.

  • Regular Force members or Veterans need to provide a copy of their release instruction.
  • Reservists, who have completed 21 months of full-time Reserve Force service within a two-year period, would submit their completed Route Letter(s). A copy of the completed Contract and pay records for this period could also be used as proof of completion of full-time service.
  • For Reservists who served in a Special Duty Area or in Emergency Service and subsequently lost their civilian job, a letter from your former employer, your "Record of Employment", or something similar, stating the circumstance(s) of termination would be required.
  • A surviving spouse would need to provide proof of his/her spouse's CF service along with a copy of the death certificate.

Q7: I am a Reservist. Am I eligible?

A7: You are eligible if you are:

  • a Reserve Force member/Veteran who took part in Special Duty Service or Emergency Service and then lost your civilian job or received a reduction in pay at that job;
  • a Reserve Force member/Veteran who has completed at least 21 months of full-time service within a two-year period;

In either case, you must apply within two years of your release date. You can apply or get additional information by contacting Veterans Affairs at 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (French).

Q8: I released from the CF more than two years ago, can I receive benefits through the Job Placement Assistance program?

A8: No. To qualify for the Job Placement Assistance Program you must apply within two years from the date of your release.

Q9: How much will Job Placement Assistance cost me?

A9: As an honourably discharged former member of the Canadian Forces, the Job Placement Assistance program is provided to you free of charge.

Q10: If my civilian career choice doesn't work out, can I take the Job Placement Assistance program a second time?

A10: Job Placement Assistance is a one-time benefit, except in a few circumstances. For example, you could re-qualify for Job Placement Assistance if you had returned to the Canadian Forces as a Reservist or if you receive the Canadian Forces Income Support.

Q11: I live outside of Canada, do I still qualify?

A11: Yes, you qualify, if:

  • you are releasing but currently serving outside of Canada; or
  • if you are a CF Veteran, living outside of Canada, who released within the last two years.

Please call VAC's Foreign Countries Operations at 1-888-996-2242 to begin your application process. How you access the program, will depend on where you are living.

Q12: I am currently receiving benefits from SISIP, but want to find a job. Should I apply now for Job Placement Assistance?

A12: Medically-releasing CF members typically receive Job Placement assistance through SISIP or VAC's Rehabilitation Program. Before applying directly to the Job Placement Assistance program, you should discuss options already available to you through the Rehabilitation program with your VAC Counsellor.

Q13: My spouse is retired from the military but is no longer able to work. I need to get a job; can I apply for Job Placement Assistance?

A13: The Job Placement Assistance program was designed for CF members or Veterans; only in circumstances where the Veteran has passed away is it possible for a family member to enrol in the program. However, if your family is having financial difficulties, your spouse should discuss your situation with a Veterans Affairs' Counsellor from your nearest local District office, as there may be other benefits under the New Veterans' Charter you can access. If you don't already have a Counsellor at VAC, please call 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (French).


Q1: What do Canadian Forces (CF) members think of the proposed New Veterans Charter?

A1: Focus groups, in December 2004 and January 2005, were held to gather input from potential clients on the key elements of the program's proposals. The participants made it clear that they wanted programs and services tailored to their needs and the needs of their families. They emphasized that the programs should support wellness, independence and a successful transition to civilian life.

Prior to the legislation's introduction in the House of Commons, VAC conducted information sessions at six CF bases in March and April 2005. These sessions were well attended by CF members and their families. While participants had a number of questions, they were receptive to the suite of programs and services being proposed.

Q2: Are VAC's consultations complete?

A2: No. Consultations with major Veterans' organizations and key stakeholders will continue throughout the development of regulations. Consultations will also continue as implementation unfolds. Additional information sessions continue to be held at CF bases across the country.

Disability Award

Q1: Why is VAC proposing a lump sum disability award in place of a monthly disability pension?

A1: As part of its research, VAC examined the current practices of Veterans Affairs Departments in countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom. Additional research examined what was being done in Canada by such entities as provincial Workers Compensation Boards and by Canadian courts through personal injury awards. Based on this research, and the modern principles of disability management, VAC designed a dual award approach toward compensation.

One element of this dual-award approach is the disability award. It recognizes and compensates CF clients for non-economic effects of service-related disability, including pain and suffering, functional loss and the effects of permanent impairment on their lives and the lives of their families. The award will be paid as a tax-free lump sum payment. Awards will range from 1% to 100%, calculated in increments of 5%, with a maximum award of $250,000 for a 100% disability.

The second element of the dual-award approach is the Earnings Loss program. It will compensate for the economic impact that a service-related or career ending condition has on a CF Veteran's ability to earn a living.

The two programs will operate independently. There will be no offsetting of benefits between them.

The lump sum award has to be considered in the context of the overall suite of new programs. Currently, VAC provides eligible CF Veterans a monthly disability pension and limited benefits tied to that monthly pension. Under the new approach, eligible CF Veterans will be offered a comprehensive range of benefits and services not available to them under the present scheme. The programs of the New Veterans Charter will consist of Rehabilitation Services, Vocational Assistance, Health Benefits, Job Placement Assistance, Financial Benefits (Earnings Loss, Supplementary Retirement Benefit, Permanent Impairment Allowance, and Canadian Forces Income Support) and the disability award.

Q2: How was the $250,000 amount determined?

A2: The $250,000 amount is based on related international and Canadian comparisons. This amount is comparable with what is being offered internationally and domestically in the context of other disability benefit packages. While more generous than what is being provided by Workers Compensation Boards, it is consistent with awards for pain and suffering provided by Canadian courts.

Q3: If I receive a lump sum award, can I get advice to help me manage it?

A3: Yes. If you and your family feel it would be helpful, you may seek independent financial advice. Some, or all, of the fees related to this counselling may be paid by our Department. In addition, after weighing your options, you may decide on your own to buy an annuity that can provide you and your family with a monthly payment. For clients who are not able to manage their own financial affairs, payments would be made to a legal representative, such as a public trustee, guardian, or power of attorney.

Q4: What if, in spite of all efforts, the lump sum is spent and the Veteran is destitute?

A4: The disability award lump sum has been designed to compensate for the non-economic impact of a disability. In the case where a Veteran has a service-related rehabilitation need, monthly financial support may be available through the Financial Benefits Program (Earnings Loss Benefits and/or Canadian Forces Income Support).

Q5: Should I apply now for a monthly pension OR wait to apply after the New Veterans Charter legislation comes into effect?

A5: We cannot make this decision for you. The answer would depend on your own circumstances and personal preferences. A few key things to consider when making your decision are:

  • Are you eligible for the disability award? The disability award is one of the key components of the New Veterans Charter. It is available only to Canadian Forces members and Veterans who served from April 1, 1947, until the present (excluding Korean War Service Veterans who are already covered through the existing programs and services under the Pension Act);
  • Your personal preference for a lump sum payment (New Veterans Charter) versus a monthly pension (Pension Act). This is important because, once a decision has been rendered by Veterans Affairs on your disability under the Pension Act you will no longer be eligible for a lump sum disability award (for that disability). However, you would be able to apply for a disability award for any service-related disability which you did not apply for under the Pension Act. Regardless, you may remain eligible for the new wellness programs such as rehabilitation services, vocational assistance or job placement assistance, income loss benefits and health benefits (more information below);
  • To be eligible for a monthly disability pension, we require a signed application received or postmarked prior to the coming-into-force date (expected to be April 1, 2006); and,
  • Most applications for disability benefits received after the coming-into-force date will be processed as a disability award. There will be some cases where claims will be still ruled under the Pension Act, such as for clients seeking additional compensation for an already pensioned condition, or re-applying for conditions that have already received an unfavourable ruling. A VAC Pension Officer can advise about these situations.

If you have made an application under the Pension Act but would now prefer to apply for a lump sum disability award, you have the right to withdraw your application (prior to a decision being rendered) and re-submitting an application for the disability award after the coming-into-force date of the new Act.

If you need help or advice preparing and submitting a disability benefits application, you can contact: Veterans Affairs Canada or your Veterans' organization (e.g. the Royal Canadian Legion).

Q6: What if I have started an application under the Pension Act in the past and it was later withdrawn, either by me or by Veterans Affairs Canada?

A6: If you would prefer a ruling under the Pension Act, you must submit a signed pension application to VAC, received or postmarked no later than March 31, 2006. This application should contain all the information that is in your power to provide. At a minimum, it should contain your name, address, date of birth, the name of the disability being claimed, and your signature. A disability pension application can be downloaded from the following site:
On-line Services.

Help for families

Q1: How will the proposed programs assist families?

A1: The New Veterans Charter will provide family support in a number of areas: health benefits coverage; rehabilitation counselling; family counselling; case management; access to the rehabilitation program, including vocational assistance and job placement assistance (if the Veteran is not able to participate); and, if needed, payment of child care expenses for clients receiving rehabilitation/vocational assistance.

Q2: What will the package provide for survivors?

A2: In the tragic circumstance of a CF member's or Veteran's death due to military service, survivors would be eligible for financial support (Earnings Loss and, where applicable, Canadian Forces Income Support); rehabilitation/vocational services; as well as a lump sum disability award up to $250,000.

In the event a CF member suffers a sudden, service-related death, a lump sum death benefit of $250,000 may also be awarded.

Q3: What will this package provide for dependent children?

A3: Canadian Forces Veterans participating in a Rehab plan may be reimbursed a portion of their child care expenses. In addition, a CF Veteran in receipt of Canadian Forces Income Support may also receive an additional payment for any dependent children.

In cases of service-related death, dependent children may be eligible for a portion of the disability award and/or death benefit. Dependent children may be eligible for a portion of the Earnings Loss payment and may also be eligible for a Canadian Forces Income Support payment. Dependent children of eligible survivors may also receive health coverage under the Health Benefits Program. They may continue to be eligible for education assistance.

Q4: Are spouses and partners of CF members or Veterans still eligible for a survivor's pension?

A4: In the event a CF member suffers a sudden, service related death a lump sum death benefit of $250,000 would be paid to their survivor(s).

When a CF member or Veteran dies from a condition or injury for which a disability award has already been provided, or would have been provided if application had been made, eligible survivors would receive a lump sum disability award up to $250,000, less the amount of the disability award already paid during the CF member or Veteran's lifetime. Any benefits payable to survivors entitled under the Pension Act would continue as well.

How will it work?

Q1: Will it take more or less time under the new system to receive benefits?

A1: It will take less time to receive most of the new Charter's programs and services because eligibility for programs and services will no longer be based on the receipt of a disability pension. To ensure that VAC can quickly intervene with programs that will help to support a successful rehabilitation and transition to civilian life, our front-line staff will have decision-making authority and the necessary tools to address the needs of CF Veterans and their families, such as the provision of rehabilitation services, Financial Benefits and job placement services.

While decisions on the disability award will likely take about the same amount of time as the current disability pension, the key difference is that the disability award will not be the only gateway to VAC programs and services.

Q2: What appeal mechanisms will be in place should a CF member or Veteran not like/agree with a decision?

A2: VAC's appeal process for disability awards will mirror what is currently in place in relation to disability pensions. Applicants may access legal representation and advice through the Bureau of Pensions Advocates, or representation by a service bureau of a Veterans' organization, or a representative of the Veteran's choice, and submit their reviews and appeals to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. VAC will provide an internal review process for the Rehabilitation Services and Financial Benefits programs where clients disagree with a decision.


Q1: Are VAC's RCMP clients included in this modernization proposal?

A1: The RCMP has been invited to be part of the Modernization effort from the outset, and their officials have been included in key sessions and decision points from the earliest stages.

Although today's CF and RCMP members face similar challenges, there are real differences in their roles and career paths. The transition needs from police to civilian life may be quite different. Consequently, the RCMP has opted to undertake a needs analysis of their own members prior to committing to a new suite of programs.

Reservist Coverage

Q1: What are Reservists eligible for under the New Veterans Charter?

A1: DND has organized Reservists by class, depending on the nature and length of service. Class "C" Reservists, who serve for longer periods of time and may be exposed to the same risks (including overseas deployments) as Regular Force personnel, will have the same access to wellness programs as Regular Force members (reservist must be medically released or have a service-related rehabilitation need). Class "A" and Class "B" Primary Reservists, who serve in Canada, in lower-risk environments and for shorter periods of time, must have a rehabilitation need related to service in order to qualify for the wellness programs. Additional information is detailed below.

Job Placement

Job Placement services will be available to all releasing Reserve Force members:

  • Whose civilian employment is no longer available or is available only at a lower rate of pay after completion of Special Duty Service or service that the member or Veteran is called out in respect of an emergency, and apply no later than two years after the date of completion of service; or,
  • Who have completed at least 21 months of full-time service during 24 consecutive months, and apply no later than two years after the date of completion of service.

Rehabilitation Program

Medical Releasing Veterans
The Rehabilitation Program will be available to medically releasing Reservists who apply within 120 days from the date of release, as follows:

  • A Veteran who was a member of the Cadet Instructors Cadre, the Canadian Rangers or the Supplementary Reserve Force serving on a period of Class "C" Reserve service at the time that the physical or mental health problem leading to release manifested itself; or
  • A Veteran who was a member of the Primary Reserve serving on a period of Class "A", "B" or "C" Reserve service at the time that the physical or mental health problem leading to the release manifested itself.

Veterans with a Rehabilitation Need
Reservists who have a health problem that poses a barrier to re-establishment in civilian life resulting primarily from service, i.e. rehabilitation need, and are not eligible for rehabilitation services on the basis of medical release status are eligible for the Rehabilitation Program.

Earnings Loss (EL)

Reserve Force Veterans are eligible for the EL Benefit if it has been determined that a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan should be developed for the Veteran.

Supplementary Retirement Benefit (SRB)

Reserve Force Veterans are eligible for the SRB if they have been in receipt of an Earnings Loss Benefit, or would have been but for their level of income, and determined to be totally and permanently incapacitated for the purposes of engaging in suitable gainful employment.

Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit (CFIS)

Reserve Force Veterans are eligible for the CFIS benefit if they have been in receipt of an Earnings Loss Benefit, or would have been for their level of income, if: the Veteran is no longer entitled to the earnings loss benefit; meets the prescribed employment-related criteria; meets the income test; and, resides in Canada.

Permanent Impairment Allowance (PIA)

Reserve Force Veterans with one or more health problems creating a permanent and severe impairment are eligible for the PIA if they have been approved for rehabilitation services, and are in receipt of a disability award in respect of those health problems.

Disability Awards

Reserve Force members who have a service-related disability are eligible for a Disability Award.

Death Benefit

If a Reservist dies as a result of a service-related death within 30 days of the injury or disease that caused the death, the Reservist's survivor or dependent child is eligible for the Death Benefit.

Detention Benefit

Reservists are eligible for a Detention Benefit if they have been detained by an enemy, opposing force or criminal element; were engaged in evading capture; or escaped from a power while serving with the Canadian Forces.

Clothing Allowance

Reservists are eligible for the Clothing Allowance if they have received a Disability Award for: an amputation causing wear and tear on clothing; a disability, other than an amputation, causing wear and tear on clothing; or a disability which requires the wearing of specially made apparel.

Health Benefits

Reservists who have been approved for rehabilitation services and vocational assistance and are not otherwise eligible for health coverage.

For more information

Q1: Who can I speak to for more information?

A1: Specific details of the new programs and services are still being developed. New information will be continually posted on the VAC website
( in the coming months.

At this time, we can provide you with an information package. Questions respecting your eligibility for current programs can be directed toward your VAC Pension Officer or Area Counsellor.

You can also contact us at 1-866-522-2122. [Note: 1-866-522-2022 for French]

Updated: 2006-4-19