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Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters
12:24 pm ET -

The French parliament voted to legalize gay marriage today, becoming the 14th country to do so. But France's road to marriage equality has been surprisingly divisive, bitter, and even bloody.

USA Update Why TSA delayed its new rules allowing knives on airplanes

12:39 pm ET - Pressure from flight attendants and members of Congress prompts the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) to delay new rules that would have let passengers carry small knives and some sporting equipment onto airplanes.

Canada alleges Al Qaeda plot from Iran, but Tehran's involvement unlikely (+video)

9:34 am ET - Shiite Iran and Sunni Al Qaeda have long had a hostile relationship. While state involvement appears unlikely, Tehran has less control over the country's far east.

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USA Update Ricin investigation uncovers little physical evidence, testifies FBI

12:06 pm ET - Authorities acknowledge that they have found no traces of ricin or ricin-making materials in their search of the home and vehicle of Kevin Curtis, the Mississippi man charged with sending letters laced with the poison to President Obama and two other officials.

Was Boston Marathon bombing a US 'intelligence failure'?

12:00 pm ET - House and Senate intelligence committees will ask that question of FBI officials during closed hearings Tuesday about the Boston Marathon bombing. They will want to know if any red flags popped up when Tamerlan Tsarnaev traveled to Russia in 2011-12.

Nuclear North Korea entreats Mongolia for help in feeding its people

5:12 pm ET - Kim Jong-un, the young leader in Pyongyang, finds that destabilizing East Asia can help build quite an appetite.

Explosion at French Embassy in Libya highlights security challenges (+video)

8:21 am ET - The explosion wounded two French guards in what appeared to be the first major terrorist attack on a diplomatic compound in Tripoli since the ouster of Col. Muammar Qaddafi.

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China harasses family of Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo

9:47 am ET - Chinese officials routinely pressure family members of political activists and government critics to get them to fall in line.

Terrorism & Security Israel charges Syria with lethal chemical weapons use

8:41 am ET - The Israeli military says its evidence shows that the Syrian regime used sarin gas during a March clash with rebels, reversing earlier reports that no such weapons had been used.

Colorado avalanche: Unstable snow is a peril, even for the experienced

7:17 pm ET - The surge of inexperienced tourists into unregulated, backcountry areas has contributed to a spike of avalanche-related deaths, but even the pros can be caught off-guard by conditions.

In Pakistan, a rare Christian retaliation against Muslim violence

1:51 pm ET - Earlier this month, residents of a Christian neighborhood in Gujranwala did something unprecedented when their settlement was attacked by Muslims: They fought back. 

Climate change sends India's apple farmers up the Himalayas

2:56 pm ET - Apples in the Himalayan foothills are seeing the worst effects of climate change already, according to farmers. Orchards are shifting upland as winters shorten.

Environmentalists tap Palestinian schoolchildren to clean Jerusalem's holy valley

1:36 pm ET - Six Olympic-size pools of trash and sewage are dumped in Kidron Valley, which abuts Jerusalem's holiest sites, every year.

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