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Thursday, February 16, 2006 (PARIS)

Christophe Karaba, DPA
Barroso on riots: Europe must fight

The EU's chief executive on Wednesday laid down a clear marker for violent critics of the Prophet Muhammed cartoons, saying that Europe now had to fight for its core European values, including freedom of speech.
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Riots put pressure at home on Musharraf
- Photos of the protests
Cheney accepts blame in shooting

Dick Cheney's evident pain, and his acceptance of responsibility, appeared likely to help calm what has been a tempest of press coverage.
More questions about the accident
Cheney's bunker takes a pounding
If the worst were to occur
- Text: Official report on the accident
New wave of bird flu, and fears, hits Europe
Deals or 'collaboration'?
The Winter Olympics
Recent blog postings:
- Early favorites
- Terrifying tumble

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Divided on the arts
Alan Riding: Culture gap widens between the sexes.
New Abu Ghraib images broadcast
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Cartoon protests
Slide show : Pakistanis react with anger.
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Following Alan Greenspan
Ben Bernanke's first report to U.S. Congress is a big moment for Mr. Bernanke, and perhaps for the economy.
Britain vs. Bush gag rule
Dealing with Hamas
Why Asian Muslims didn't explode
Sharon's legacy and Hamas
Quote of the Day
I am the Jesus Christ of politics."

Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy.

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