Project Jacmel

Audio blog: Faith amid the ruins

An impromptu church service and steel drums in the park draw hundreds of faithful

Required reading

Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, left, and President Robert Mugabe
Geoffrey York

Zimbabwe: A nation with little to celebrate

On the anniversary of historic coalition deal between reformists and Mugabe, few of the changes it promised have come through

Timothy Garton Ash

Ukraine's not yet lost to Europe

After the Yanukovych reversal, how can the EU help Kiev gravitate toward a freer future?

Residents choose DIY city services over tax hike

Colorado Springs decides to leave services such as trash pickup, park maintenance to inhabitants after tax increase rejected

News anchors Veronica Pedrosa and Teymoor Nabili at the Al Jazeera broadcast centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Big Brother 2.0?

China and Russia are pouring billions into slick, English-language channels to spread their official views. It may look ominous but it could also provide a healthy balance to Western bias.

A girl stands outside her house in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan, as U.S. soldiers patrol an area nearby. Hundreds are arriving in Lashkar Gah as NATO forces attack nearby Marjah.

Afghan civilians flee ahead of major NATO offensive

As thousands of troops wait on the outskirts of Helmand town, hundreds defy Taliban in mass exodus

Switzerland won't extradite Polanski while appeal is before U.S. courts

As new film premieres in Berlin, exiled director's decades-old legal fight takes another twist

Bowing to opposition, Holder may abort civilian 9/11 trial

Attorney General Eric Holder is leaving open the possibility of trying professed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before a military commission

Clinton leaves NY hospital after surgery

DNC official says former U.S. president was admitted for procedure Thursday to clear clogged artery

Last Kennedy in Washington won't run for re-election

Patrick Kennedy says his life is 'taking a new direction' just months after the death of his father and mentor, Edward Kennedy

Prince Andrew allegedly clips police officer with SUV

British police are investigating an accident in which Duke of York allegedly struck a police officer with his car while driving into Buckingham Palace

Snowfall surprise in Florida, Texas

Vancouver can't buy a snow storm, but schools close as Deep South struggles with rare snow


Foreign correspondent blogs

Geoffrey York's
Africa Diary
Zuma's polygamy undermines AIDS fight

It may play well politically, but the South African leader's multiple sexual partners weakens and contradicts all of the work that he has done in the fight against the epidemic

Patrick Martin's Mideast Notebook
Qat of nine tales

Yemen loves that strange narcotic

Mark MacKinnon's Points East
Google and China go to war

Stephanie Nolen's Subcontinental
Invoking Indira

Gloria Galloway's Witness: Kandahar
What this woman wants

Gloria Galloway
Dateline Peking

Fifty years ago, The Globe and Mail became the first Western newspaper to open a bureau in what was then known as Red China.

Chinese paramilitary police officer stands guard in front of Tiananmen gate in Beijing, China, Tuesday.