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Your campaign donation helps ensure Jack Layton and the NDP have the resources to run a winning campaign.

All Canadians with taxable income receive tax credits for campaign donations made to Canada's NDP. For example, a donation of $500 actually costs $150.

Donate online now! It's fast, safe and affordable.

All donations received before December 31 are eligible for 2005 tax credits.

Your Donation Tax Credit You Pay  
$100 $75.00 $25.00  
$250 $187.50 $62.50  
$500 $350.00 $150.00  
$750 $475.00 $275.00  
$1,000 $558.25 $441.75  

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Don't hesitate to contact us:

Donations Department | Canada's NDP
300 – 279 Laurier Ave. W.
Ottawa, ON   K1P 5J9
(866) 525-2555
(613) 230-9950 (fax)
E-mail: Donations Department

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