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Wed 18 Jan 2006
Layton takes a pass at Martin
Point-by-point rebuttal of Liberal Leader’s claims in this election

Wed 18 Jan 2006
Layton asks New Brunswick Liberals to come to NDP
Cites a growing determination that it’s time for the Liberal Party to go

Wed 18 Jan 2006
Desperate Martin adopts another flag of convenience

Tue 17 Jan 2006
Paul Martin is also promising Cabinet spots

Tue 17 Jan 2006
Paul Martin's values of convenience - First Nations

Tue 17 Jan 2006
Paul Martin and his "progressive" values

Tue 17 Jan 2006
Paul Martin has taken a pass on progressive values

Tue 17 Jan 2006
Liberals learn no lessons from Gomery Inquiry

Tue 17 Jan 2006
NDP unveils second TV ad extending invitation
NDP is alternative to Liberal corruption and Conservative agenda

Tue 17 Jan 2006
Jack Layton's speech to the Toronto Board of Trade in Toronto, ON

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