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Town of Lunenburg
119 Cumberland Street
PO Box 129
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
B0J 2C0

line The Town of Lunenburg, in Nova Scotia, Canada, was formally established in 1753 as the first British Colonial settlement in Nova Scotia outside of Halifax. These early settlers were from various parts of Germany, Switzerland, and the Montbeliard region of France. They ship imagefollowed in the footsteps of earlier Mikmaq and Acadian inhabitants in the area.
A vibrant and stable economy was built on farming, fishing, ship building and ocean-based commerce, particularly in the West Indies trade. More than 200 years in fishing, ship-building and marine related industries has provided Lunenburg with a strong economic base.

A view from Lunenburg's beautiful waterfront today will take in many of these established marine industries. Among these are: High Liner Foods Inc., one of the largest fish processing plants in North America; Lunenburg Industrial Foundry and Engineering Ltd., founded in 1891; Scotia Trawler; Adams and Knickle; Deep Sea Trawlers; ABCO Industries Ltd., founded in 1947; and the Lunenburg Marine Railway, one of the largest marine railway complexes in Nova Scotia. A diversified economy based on the fisheries, tourism and manufacturing has become firmly entrenched in Lunenburg. The Town of Lunenburg's 250th anniversary in 2003 is a testament to this.

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For Your Information:

Fall 2006 Recreation Program

Lunenburg Statistics

Lunenburg Fire Dept.

Lunenburg Board of Trade

Lunenburg Waterfront

Conference Facilities