Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management > Tourism, Culture and Heritage > NSARM > Online Databases > Marriage Bonds, 1763-1849

Marriage Bonds, 1763-1849

Archival Description


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Bonds, indicating the absence of legal impediment to marriage, were completed in application for marriage licenses. Surviving records from 1763 to 1864 and 1870 to 1871 are available at NSARM. Records from 1763 to 1849 are available in this database. Additional years will be added as records are entered into the database. Names, occupations, marital status and residency of the parties and the sureties confirming such information were recorded. Sometimes, usually when permission was required, notes were attached to the bonds.


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Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage
Comments to: Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management      / Last updated on 2004-01-26

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