Great Canadian Parks

Great Canadian Parks

Canadians support a park experience that tourists keep coming back to again and again, parks that protect, preserve and provide access to a vast array of ecological zones that support thousands of species, parks where people can hike, camp, fish, ski, raft or just get far away from it all in remote and amazing environments.

While visiting here at Great Canadian Parks you can explore Canada's history, ecology and culture through words, pictures, QuickTime™ movies, quizzes and crosswords. You can access over a hundred movie clips that reveal the magnificence, diversity and accessibility of Canada's parks.

If you are planning to visit parks in Canada, this site will help you organize your journey, as well as provide you with an appreciative understanding about what you will find when you get there.

Park Spotlight
-Wapusk National Park
New Brunswick
-Fundy National Park
-Ellesmere Island National Park
Northwest Territories
-Aulavik National Park
-Bruce Peninsula National Park
Prince Edward Island
Canadian Diversity
Web features