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Doing Legal Research in Canada

By Ted Tjaden

Ted Tjaden is a lawyer/law librarian working as the Coordinator, Information Services at the Bora Laskin Law Library at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, where he teaches legal research and writing to law students. He is also an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Information Studies, where he has an extensive online guide to legal research for law librarians. He is called to the bar in British Columbia and Ontario and has practised law as an attorney for eight years. He has published a number of articles on the Internet and legal research, and speaks regularly at conferences on issues relating to legal research.

Updated June 1, 2002 and January 19, 2004

Editor's Note:  This is a new update to the author's original guide (published May 1, 2000), and to his subsequent update, July 2, 2001.  There are numerous additions, changes for some Web site addresses, as well as some deletions, which will be indicated by the use of        (green background color) for easy identification.

This page is an online guide to doing legal research in Canada. The guide provides information and links to print and online resources and is aimed primarily at researchers outside of Canada needing an overview of Canadian legal research. There are six major sections:

1.    Introduction: The Canadian Legal System
2.    Canadian Primary Legal Resources
3.    Canadian Secondary Legal Resources
4.    Canadian Legal Organizations (law libraries, law schools, . . .)
5.    Canadian Legal Publishers (including online vendors)
6.    Canadian Legal Research: By Topic

A detailed table of contents is set out below. To find information in this research guide, either click on one of the six major sections above or browse through the detailed table of contents below and click on a particular part of one of the six major sections.

Detailed Table of Contents

1.    Introduction: The Canadian Legal System

   1.   The Canadian government
   2.   Division of power: federal vs. provincial power
   3.   History of Canada
   4.   The Canadian judicial system
   5.   The Canadian legislative system
   6.   The Charter of Rights & Freedoms
   7.   Legal Research in Québec
   8.   Legal classification in Canada (KF Modified)
   9.   Differences in laws between Canada and the United States

2.    Canadian Primary Legal Resources

    1.  Canadian legislation
    2.  Canadian case law
    3.  Canadian administrative tribunal decisions

3.    Canadian Secondary Legal Resources

  1.    Textbooks/treatises
  2.    Legal Journals
  3.    Encyclopedias
  4.    Case digests and case-finding tools
  5.    Legal research guides
  6.    Legal directories
  7.    WWW Meta-sites for legal research
  8.    Canadian law libraries/library catalogs
  9.    Canadian law schools/law societies
10.    Jobs for law librarians/legal researchers in Canada

4.    Canadian Legal Organizations (law libraries, law schools, . . .)

   1.   Canadian law libraries and library catalogs
   2.   Canadian law library organizations
   3.   Canadian law schools
   4.   Canadian law societies and bar associations
   5.   Canadian law firms
   6.   Canadian law-related organizations (miscellaneous)

5.    Canadian Legal Publishers (including online vendors)

   1.   Introduction to Canadian Legal Publishing
   2.   Used-Book Dealers (Legal Materials)
   3.   Butterworths Canada and Lexis-Nexis Canada
   4.   Canada Law Book
   5.   Carswell and WestlaweCARSWELL <online>

   6.   Canadian Bar Association Publications
   7.   CCH Canadian and CCH iWorks
   8.   CCNS - The Information Place
   9.   Continuing Legal Education of B.C.
10.   Dye & Durham
11.   Emond Montgomery Publications
12.   Federal Publications Inc.
13.   Infomart Dialog Limited
14.   Irwin Law
15.   LSUC - CLE Publications
16.   Maritime Law Book
17.   McGraw-Hill Ryerson
18.   Micromedia
19.   Publications Ontario On-Line (POOL)
21.   Self-Counsel Press
22.   SOQUIJ
23.   Western Legal Publications  

6.    Canadian Legal Research: By Topic

  1.    Aboriginal law - Canada
  2.    Administrative law - Canada
  3.    Banking law - Canada
  4.    Bankruptcy and insolvency law - Canada
  5.    Civil procedure - Canada
  6.    Communications law - Canada
  7.    Constitutional law - Canada
  8.    Contract law - Canada
  9.    Corporate law - Canada
10.    Criminal law - Canada
11.    Crown law - Canada
12.    Damages - Canada
13.    Debtor/creditor law - Canada
14.    Employment & labour law - Canada
15.    Environmental law - Canada
16.    Family law - Canada
17.    Immigration law - Canada
18.    Insurance law - Canada
19.    Intellectual property law - Canada
20.    Labour law - Canada
21.    Real property law - Canada
22.    Securities law - Canada
23.    Taxation law - Canada
24.    Tort law - Canada
25.    Trusts and estates law - Canada


 © 2000-2004 Ted Tjaden.  Users may browse, download, print and link to this "Doing Legal Research in Canada Guide" for any non-commercial use or for educational use.

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