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"One measure of a true democracy
is the extent to which government not
just tolerates, but actually welcomes criticism."

Photo: Courtesy Yukon News
Hank Moorlag, Ombudsman

Contact the Ombudsman

Call toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408
(ext. 8468) or locally call (867) 667-8468
Send a fax to (867) 667-8469

Write to the Office of the Ombudsman

PO Box 31300
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5P7
PO Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Visit the office located at

211 Main Street (Shoppers' Plaza)
Suite 200, in Whitehorse

Click on the New Ombudsman & Information and Privacy Commissioner logo (Top Left) to learn all about it.

Click here for a Complaint  Form

What is an Ombudsman?

The Yukon Ombudsman is an independent investigator whose job it is to review administrative actions of the Yukon Government (YG). The Ombudsman can investigate complaints about how YG departments, agencies, commission and boards do business by reviewing their actions, decisions, practices and procedures.

The Yukon Ombudsman is not, however, an advocate for the complainant, a defender of government actions, or a public servant.

What can the Ombudsman do?

The Yukon Ombudsman can:

  • advise you of what steps to take with the government department or agency
  • refer you to an available remedy
  • have access to information otherwise unavailable through the exceptional powers of the Ombudsman Act
  • recommend but not order government officials to remedy wrongs

What can the Ombudsman investigate?

The Yukon Ombudsman can only act if complaints are about:

  • departments of the Yukon Government
  • crown corporations and independent authorities or boards
  • public schools and Yukon College
  • hospitals, local and regional health bodies
  • governing bodies of professional and occupational associations
  • municipalities and Yukon First Nation governments (by their request only)

What can’t the Ombudsman investigate?

The Yukon Ombudsman cannot investigate:

  • complaints about the courts, the Yukon Legislature, the Yukon Elections Office, or lawyers acting on behalf of the government
  • disputes between individuals
  • complaints against the federal government
  • complaints about actions which occurred prior to the Ombudsman Act becoming law

Who can complain?

Any person or group of persons who feel they have been unfairly treated by a YG department or agency and have exhausted all available appeal processes can seek help from the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman is authorized to investigate complaints made by:

  • private citizens
  • government employees
  • societies
  • companies

How will the Ombudsman investigate my complaint?

If your complaint can be investigated the Yukon Ombudsman will:

  • send a letter to the appropriate Deputy Minister, President, or Chair requesting information
  • gather any additional information needed to come to a decision about the complaint
  • keep all information about you strictly confidential

How does the Ombudsman resolve complaints?

When an investigation of your complaint uncovers unfair or improper actions, the Yukon Ombudsman:

  • meets with the appropriate government department or agency to try to resolve the issue in a fair and reasonable manner
  • makes recommendations to the government department or agency concerned
  • can make recommendations, first to Cabinet and then to Legislature, if the recommended solution is not accepted by the department or agency involved
  • provides results to the complainant

Will it cost me any money to use the service?

The service of the Yukon Ombudsman is free.

How do I complain to the Ombudsman?

A complaint can be made to the Yukon Ombudsman in writing, over the phone, or in person. For a copy of the complaint form click here.

If you wish to make your complaint in person we recommend you call first to ensure someone is in the office to help you.

If you require French language services we can make arrangements for someone to call you back or meet with you in person.
