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Government Tenders

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The Manitoba government is committed to open and fair tendering practices. Government tenders that exceed trade agreement thresholds are advertised and distributed by MERX - electronic tendering service. MERX provides vendors with a low-cost, easily accessible way of reviewing and obtaining government tenders.

MERX is a nation-wide tendering system owned and operated by Mediagrif, a Montreal-based company. Contact MERX or search for tender opportunities at:

Merx or phone 1-800-964-6379.

For more information on government purchasing policies and practices contact the Procurement Services Branch at their Web site.

For more information on tenders pertaining to highway construction work visit the Contracts Branch website of the Manitoba Transportation and Government Services'' Construction and Maintenance Division.  For more information on Government Services Building Services Tenders, please visit their web site.

Information on English-French Translation Services Tender opportunities are located on the Culture, Heritage and Tourism’s Translation Services Branchwebsite located at,

ICT Services Manitoba Procurement Branch solicitation documents are located at


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