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Schedule A — Fees

Please note all items in bold are amendments to the Fee Schedule effective March 21, 2003, August 25, 2003 and December 23, 2005 - Securities Regulation Amendments 66/2003, 144/2003, 190/2005

1. (1) In subsection (2) "unit offering" means two or more classes of securities offered for sale as a unit.

2.    The fee that shall be paid to the commission

(a)    for registration or renewal of registration by a person or company as a broker, broker-dealer sub-broker dealer, investment counsel, investment dealer, securities advisor, security issuer or underwriter is: $750.;

(b)    by an individual for registration or renewal of registration as a sub-broker-dealer, is: $750.; (repealed)

(c)    by a company for registration or renewal of registration as a security issuer, is: $750.; (repealed)

(d)   for registration or renewal of registration of a branch manager or by an individual when he or she will carry on advising or trading activities is: $300.;

(d.1)    for registration or renewal of registration by an individual, other than a salesperson, when he or she will not carry on advising or trading activities is: $50.;

(d.2)    for registration or renewal of registration by a salesperson when he or she will not carry on advising or trading activities is: $50.;

(e)    by a person or company for registration or renewal of registration as a securities adviser or investment counsel, is: $750.; (repealed)

(f)    for registration or renewal of registration of a branch or sub-branch, other than a registrant's main Manitoba office, is: $200.;

(f.1)    to close or change the location of a branch or sub-branch is: $50.;

(g)    upon the filing of a prospectus or of a new prospectus as required by section 56 of the Act with respect to the securities of a mining company,

(i)    where the prospectus involves one property and one class of securities or one property and one unit offering, is: $1,000.,

(ii)    where the prospectus involves more than one class of securities or more than one unit offering, for each additional class of securities or unit offering, is: $325., and

(iii)    where the prospectus involves more than one property, is an additional: $75. for each property but not exceeding for such additional properties a total of: $300.;

(h)    upon the filing of a prospectus or of a new prospectus as required by section 56 of the Act with respect to the securities of an industrial, investment, or mutual fund company,

(i)    where the prospectus involves one class of securities or one unit offering is: $1,000., and

(ii)    where the prospectus involves more than one class of securities or more than one unit offering, for each additional class of securities or unit offering, is: $325.;

(i)    by a person or company for registration or renewal of registration as a mineral interest broker is: $400.; (repealed)

(j)    by an individual for registration or renewal of registration as a mineral interest salesman is: $150.; (repealed)

(k)    upon the filing of any prospectus in connection with which the commission is designated as the principal jurisdiction pursuant to National Policy No. 1, is increased over and above the amount specified in clauses (g) or (h) by: $600. (repealed);

(l)    upon the filing of an amended prospectus under section 55 of the Act,

(i)    not involving the acquisition of any interest in property or not involving new or amended financial statements, is: $100., and

(ii)    involving the acquisition of any interest in property or upon the filing of new or amended financial statements, is: $175.;

but the maximum fee embracing one or more amendments to a prospectus filed at any one time is: $175.;

(m)    upon the filing of a statement of material facts under section 58(3)(b) of the Act, is: $1,000.;

(n)    upon the filing of a prospectus syndicate agreement under section 36 of the Act, is: $200.;

(o)    for each person or company acting as a partner or officer of, or on behalf of, another person or company in connection with a trade in a security by that other person or company and who is named in the certificate of registration of that other person or company pursuant to subsection 6(2) of the Act, is: $200.; (repealed)

(p)    for each individual who is a partner or officer or branch manager of a person or company registered as a broker, investment dealer, broker-dealer, underwriter, investment counsel, securities adviser, or security issuer and who is named in the certificate of registration of that person or company as a trading partner or trading official pursuant to subsection 6(12) of the Act, is: $200.; (repealed)

(q)    for an application to transfer a salesperson's registration from one sponsoring registration to another when the salesperson will carry on advising or trading activities is: $75.;

(q.1)    for each amendment of the registration of a broker, broker-dealer, sub-broker-dealer, investment counsel, investment dealer, securities advisor, security issuer or underwriter is: $100.;

(q.2)    for an application to transfer a salesperson's registration from one sponsoring registrant to another when the salesperson will not carry on advising or trading activities is: $125.;

(q.3)    for an application to transfer a branch manager's registration from one sponsoring registrant to another is: $300.;

(q.4)    for an application to transfer an individual's registration from one sponsoring registrant to another when the individual will not carry on advising or trading activities is: $50.;

(q.5)    for an application to transfer an individual's registration from one sponsoring registrant to another when the individual will carry on advising or trading activities is: $300.;

(q.6)    for the termination of an individual's unexpired registration is: $50.;

(r)    where the commission so directs, upon any hearing, audit or investigation made by the commission, its representative or any person appointed by it, the fees shall be based upon the time spent upon such hearing, audit or investigation calculated as follows:

(i)    $600. for the commission itself (irrespective of the number of members sitting) for each half day or part thereof,

(ii)    $400. per day for any counsel, auditor or other person on the commission staff, and

(iii)    for any counsel, auditor or other person not on the commission's staff engaged by contract, the contract rates at which they are engaged,

plus any travelling expenses, witness fees, conduct money paid to witnesses examined, and any other expense incurred by the commission or any persons appointed or retained by it;

(s)    by a person (other than an individual) or company upon application for recognition as an exempt purchaser under clause 19(1)(c) of the Act, is: $200.;

(t)    upon the filing of the notice by a company of its intention to offer additional securities under clause 19(1)(i) of the Act, is: $250.;

(u)    for exemption pursuant to section 20 of the Act from filing a preliminary prospectus, if no other exemption from section 37 is required, is: $100.;

(v)    for any other exemption pursuant to section 20 of the Act is the amount of the fees that would be payable if no exemption were granted, provided that, the commission may, having regard both to the probable volume of the trading permitted by the exemption and to the time required to process and consider the application, reduce the fee in any particular case, to an amount not less than: $350.;

(w)    upon an application for a ruling under section 59 of the Act is the amount of fees that would be payable on any filings or registrations that would be required in order to effect the trade concerned if no ruling were made, provided that the Commission may, having regard both to the probable value of the trading permitted by the ruling and to the time required to process and consider the application, reduce the fee in any particular case, to an amount not less than: $275.;

(x)    upon the filing of a notice of intention in accordance with Form 23: $650.;

(x.1) for filing an offering memorandum under Part 4 (Offering Memorandum Exemption) of MSC Rule 2005-16 (Capital Raising Exemptions) is $650.;

(y)    for copies of documents on file in the public files of the commission for each foolscap page, is: 50¢;

(z)    for any other filing not set out in this section other than a document referred to in:

(i) Part IX, X, XI, or XII of the Act; or

(ii) any provision of the Regulations relating to Parts IX, X, XI, or XII of the Act, is: $25.;

(aa)    for a search of a file, is: $2.;

(bb)    upon an application for an order under section 95 of the Act, is: $550. provided that the Commission may, having regard both to the probable value of the trading permitted by the exemption and to the time required to process and consider the application, reduce the fee in any particular case, but to an amount not less than: $275.;

(cc)    upon the filing of a take-over bid circular or issuer bid circular: $500.;

(dd)    upon filing financial statements under section 120 of the Act: $100.;

(ee)    for late filing of an insider report in Form 55-102F2 is $50. per calendar day per insider per issuer, to a maximum of $1,000. in any period from April 1 to March 31, but this fee does not apply in relation to an insider if there is an obligation to pay a late filing fee for a Form 55-102F2 in respect of that insider in a jurisdiction other than Manitoba during the same period;

(ff) for filing an annual information form in Form 51-102F2 under MSC Rule 2003-17 (National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations) is: $1,000.;

(gg) for filing an annual information form in Form 81-101F2 under MSC Rule 2005-4 (National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous
Disclosure) is: $1,000.