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Premier's Biography

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Gary Doer
Premier; President of the Executive Council, Minister of Federal-Provincial Relations

In June, 2003, Gary Doer was re-elected to a second term as Manitoba Premier with an increased majority in the Provincial Legislature. He was first elected Premier in September, 1999 after serving as Leader of the Official Opposition since 1988 and an elected MLA since 1986.

Under Premier Doer’s leadership, Manitoba’s innovative health care plan has focused on rebuilding the system through educating and hiring more nurses, doctors and health care professionals, moving ahead with strategic capital projects, and investing in diagnostic equipment and leading-edge technology to improve outcomes for patients.

Premier Doer’s economic strategy is built on strong support for education and skills training. A progressive tuition and bursary policy has resulted in increases of almost 30 per cent at post-secondary institutions, and new capital investments have delivered much needed improvements to virtually every campus in the province.

The Doer Government has balanced its budget every year since taking office, and has brought in significant and sustainable tax cuts in four main areas: personal, business, property as well as Manitoba’s first corporate income tax cut since the Second World War.

Manitoba’s major cities have been experiencing a major renewal since the Doer government took office including the construction of a new downtown arena in Winnipeg and capital projects at major hospitals in both Brandon and Winnipeg. Coupled with investments in quality affordable housing, Aboriginal education and training initiatives, and new programs that support children and families, Manitoba communities are being reborn.

Developing partnerships to further enhance the province’s vast hydro-electric potential has also been a key priority during the Doer Government’s mandate. Since 1999, there have been strategic investments in alternative energies like wind power, geothermal, ethanol, and hydrogen that have positioned Manitoba as a leader in addressing climate change and helping Canada to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol.

Premier Doer remains a committed partner in strengthening his community. He has served as vice-president of the Manitoba Special Olympics; board member of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers football Club; Prairie Theatre Exchange; the Niagara Institute; and, the Board of Governors of the University of Manitoba.

Premier Doer is married to Ginny Devine. They have two children.

Welcome from Premier Gary Doer
Contact Information
Phone: 204-945-3714
Fax: 204-949-1484

204 Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8

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