
Kindergarten to Senior 4

About the Publications Catalogue

Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth has released publications related to Kindergarten to Senior 4 education. These publications and relevant titles published by other individuals and organizations have been organized in a searchable database called the

Publications Catalogue.

Each publication can be searched for by title, year of publication, and/or type (e.g., policy documents, teacher/school support publications). Publications are available by a variety of methods including:

  • online
  • for purchase from the Manitoba Text Book Bureau or the Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit
  • for loan from the Instructional Resources Unit (Library)
  • free from the Instructional Resources Unit (Library), the Aboriginal Education Directorate, the Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit, or the Assessment and Evaluation Branch.

The clientele for publications available for loan from the Library is Manitoba educators. Interlibrary loan for the general public of Manitoba is also available. For individuals and organizations outside Manitoba, please contact Betty Seidel for interlibrary loan information for printed documents.


These options have been automated for your convenience.

Full bibliographic descriptions of the publications available for loan from the Instructional Resources Unit (Library), as listed in this catalogue, can be found at the Instructional Resources Unit website.

Please contact John Tooth for questions related to any of the titles listed.