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Finance and Statistics
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth


Educational Funding/Grants

Annual funding announcements, information on schools' funding, guides and policy documents ...

Reporting Forms

Forms required for Departmental and Public Schools Finance Board reporting provided to Manitoba Schools, their Division/District offices and Municipalities. A form for the calculation of special levy amounts remitted to the D.S.F.M. is also provided.

Education Statistics

Reports and Publications

A Statistical Profile of Education and Training in Manitoba (1998/99 to 2002/03) offers statistical information on Manitoba's elementary/secondary and post-secondary education systems, as well as training programs offered across the province.

FRAME Reports
Manitoba public school division/district annual revenues and expenditures based on financial and statistical information submitted by school divisions/districts in accordance with FRAME(Financial Reporting and Accounting in Manitoba Education).

School Enrolment Reports
Reports providing student enrolments by school along with divisional and provincial summaries, compiled from data submitted annually by school divisions, school districts and independent schools and representing the number of students, on a headcount bass, attending school on September 30 of the school year.