>K-12 Home


Learning Resources
Kindergarten to Grade 12

Aboriginal Perspectives

Find support and documents to help with the integration of Aboriginal perspectives into curricula.

Career Development

Find support to help foster a career development culture that integrates career, occupational, labour market and learning information.

Educational Links

Search our collection of annotated online resources (hyperlinks) for parents, students, teachers, and educational administrators through the Educational Links database.

Learning Resources Reviews

Learning resources evaluated, selected and recommended for Manitoba classrooms. Subject area bibliographies.


Instructional Resources (IRU)
Special Materials Services (SMS)
DREF (Bibliothèque française)

Manitoba Text Book Bureau

Search and order learning resources through the Manitoba Text Book Bureau online catalogue. Resources can be selected by stock number, title, subjects area(s), grade range, language, media type, and / or WNCP designation.

Publications Catalogue

View, request or order Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth publications online.

Western and Northern Canadian Protocol

In December 1993, the ministers responsible for education in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories signed the Western Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Basic Education, Kindergarten to Grade 12. Several cooperative projects are underway, including the development of common curriculum frameworks with learning outcomes in mathematics, language arts and international languages. In 2002 the name changed to Western and Northern Canadian Protocol to reflect the addition of Nunavut.