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Aboriginal Canadians' Contribution During Wartime
Aboriginal Canadians have demonstrated time and again their great service and sacrifice for our country through their participation in Canada's military, particularly during times of conflict. On each occasion, Canada's Native soldiers overcame cultural challenges and made impressive sacrifices and contributions to help the nation in its efforts to restore world peace. Their courage, sacrifices and accomplishments are a source of pride to their families, communities and all Canadians.
The Honourable Daniel J. MacDonald
Dan MacDonald's commitment to veterans was recognized after his death with the dedication of the national headquarters of the Portfolio of Veterans Affairs.
Merchant Navy
During and immediately after the Second World War, merchant mariners who had served on the high seas* were entitled to 19 of 26 benefits provided by the government of the day for veterans.
Native Soldiers
"The war proved that the fighting spirit of my tribe was not squelched through reservation life..." - Mike Mountain Horse, First World War veteran.
Valour at Sea
In both the First and Second World Wars, the men of the Allied merchant navies, faced the daunting task of supplying that sea-borne lifeline. Against almost overwhelming odds, not only from U-boat attacks, but also from the perils of storm, surface raiders, air attacks and mines, they transported millions of tonnes of food, munitions, petroleum and troops across the oceans of the world.
Canadian Women's Contribution During Wartime
War brought about many changes, not least in the roles which women were able to assume within society. Not all of the changes were to be permanent, but the important contribution made by women to the war effort was later recognized in granting them the vote, and in the enactment of industrial legislation that was a direct result of their involvement in wartime industry.
The Nursing Sisters of Canada
In many ways the Nursing Sisters are a unique group; not only do they represent their own particular vocation; but they are a group that was called upon to practise their profession under arduous wartime conditions. Many a wounded soldier owed his ultimate recovery to the ministrations of one of these heroic women.
Updated: 1999-6-29