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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Human Resource Programs

Who we are …

Human Resource Programs provides central services that ensure the development, implementation and consistent application of human resource policies, procedures and standards for a number of program areas related to human resource management. This involves research, evaluation and leadership in the development and implementation of current best practices to meet the evolving needs of government and departments on human resource management issues.

Our Programs and Objectives …

We are responsible for the delivery of the following program areas:


We develop and manage policies and procedures for staffing under a delegated framework and monitor application of delegated staffing authorities to employing authorities. We facilitate human resource planning and development of the human resource community. We work with our Executive Office in recruitment of executives and senior managers. We provide redress mechanisms to resolve staffing complaints and grievances arising from a number of different policies and programs, as well as providing support services to departments in the resolution of staffing issues within their organizations.

Our objectives for the Staffing program area are:

  1. To ensure the development and application of policies, procedures and standards in Staffing, Human Resource Planning, Achieving Diversity and Assessment (Audit) that support the principles of merit, fairness and equity.
  2. To ensure a fair and effective hiring process.
  3. To provide innovative, value-added, program development and coordination to facilitate corporate human resource initiatives.
  4. To promote and facilitate partnership approaches to service delivery.
  5. To develop and maintain a corporate on-line policy manual for human resource management.
  6. To monitor and review staffing delegations to ensure compliance with established policies, procedures and standards and to evaluate their effectiveness.


We provide policy direction, guidelines, workforce information and processes in support of creating a civil service that is representative at all levels of the four designated groups: women, persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons and members of visible minorities. We consult with departments on employment equity/diversity plans and strategies to achieve objectives and review programs utilizing government-wide equity statistics.

Our objectives for the Diversity program area are:

  1. To develop and deliver programs and services to promote all aspects of employment equity/diversity within the civil service.
  2. To ensure equality of opportunity in hiring and access to employment opportunities within the civil service to employment equity candidates.
  3. To develop and deliver established programs aimed at moving in the direction of a more representative civil service.

Internship Programs

We develop and manage internship programs to address government's capability for corporate management development and succession planning. A major outcome of the internship programs is to establish a cadre of well trained, knowledgeable individuals able to compete for anticipated professional and managerial position vacancies.

Current Internship Programs include:

Our objectives for the Internship programs are:

  1. To develop and deliver internship programs to meet future vacancies and revitalize the civil service.
  2. To focus internship programs to meet government and departmental demands related to succession planning for critical areas.
  3. To provide rotational assignments, training and development, networking and mentoring activities to assist and support interns.

Workforce Adjustment / Renewal

In situations where broad workforce adjustment occurs, we manage the re-employment process and provide resources to support effective case management and placement of affected employees. We provide policy and programs to support workforce renewal.

Our objectives for the Workforce Adjustment / Renewal Program area are:

  1. To administer the re-employment list and monitor the priority staffing policy.
  2. To support government renewal initiatives impacting on human resource management.
  3. To develop competencies, inventories and assessment tools in support of government human resource planning initiatives.
  4. To implement value-added programs and services to support workforce renewal.
  5. To maintain the re-employment list, related statistics and an inventory of those seeking re-employment.
  6. To provide a range of career-management services to employees affected by workforce adjustment, including job search techniques, career counselling, resume and interviewing skills workshops.
How you can reach us …

General Inquiries

Address: 935 - 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8

Phone: (204) 945-2332
Manitoba Toll-Free: 1- 800-282-8069 ext. 2332
Fax: (204) 945-1486

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