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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Corporate HR Reporting

In recent years, the Province of Manitoba has advanced the use of technology in support of its business operations and public service offerings. Besides the operational and productivity efficiencies technology solutions have provided, significant value is added when data created by these IT solutions is transformed into management information that supports strategic decision making.

In 1999, the Province of Manitoba implemented the SAP enterprise software package to support all financial, materials management, procurement and human resource administrative and management activities. Use of this standard, integrated software throughout the organization has resulted in consistent business practices (hence data) across the organization.

As the Province of Manitoba's HR process owners, it is the responsibility of the Civil Service Commission to answer all government HR related questions. This information is needed for decision making by staff at all levels of government. The Civil Service Commission provides corporate HR reporting services as follows:

Regular and Ad-hoc Reporting

    The ability to address corporate HR information needs, both pro-actively through regular reporting and on an "as requested" basis remains the Civil Service Commission's number # 1 priority.

Statistical Reporting / Data Analysis

Over the last few years, the value of reports produced has increased as the accuracy of the data has improved and time has created history in SAP (reducing the need and problems associated with combining current and legacy data sources). Corporate reporting to date has produced either large amounts of detailed data or summarized views of the data. To maximize the benefit to the organization, we must be able to transform the volumes of HR data now on file into accurate and meaningful management information, statistical and trend analysis reports.

Samples of trend / data analysis:

  • Trend analysis of retirements (age over time by department, by job, etc)
  • Analysis of turnover for statistically significant factors of turnover (age, classification type, at maximum pay, location, etc)
  • Identification of areas of vulnerability using employee demographic data for replacement / retention planning

Data Audit / Integrity

    The value of corporate reports is directly related to the accuracy of the data on file. Experience has found that pro-active data audits increase the Civil Service Commission's ability to produce and have confidence in ad-hoc reports.

Data Extraction and Reporting Tools

    Currently data extraction, manipulation and ad-hoc report creation is done by a small number of technical and HR program staff using desktop tools like Microsoft Access. It is the intent of the Civil Service Commission to implement a secure, flexible, easy to use reporting solution that will allow a wider base of non-technical end users to easily run pre-developed or ad-hoc HR queries and reports.

SAP HR Reports User Groups

This forum brings SAP support staff and central and departmental HR staff together to discuss SAP HR data and report topics. The objective of the User Group is to improve corporate understanding of available and required HR reports and increase the ability to provide required management information at both the departmental and central level.

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