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Interview Skills

Three Stages of the Interview


Opening:  Establishing a cordial rapport
During: Exchanging information
Closing: Leaving a lasting impression

The Opening:  Establishing a cordial rapport

Your Goals:

  • To make a strong initial impression
  • To form an impression of the interviewer
  • To establish a relaxed rapport with the interviewer
  • To adjust your communication style to the employers

Interviewer's Goals:

  • To welcome you
  • To form an impression of your appearance and overall person
  • To establish rapport
  • To explain the process of the interview


  • Shake hands
  • Introduce yourself
  • Be prepared to make small talk
  • Be prepared to talk about yourself as a person
Exchanging Information
Topic: skills, experience and work record

Your Goals:

  • To highlight the skills, qualifications and accomplishments that will make you successful in the job applied for
  • To support your claims with documentation or anecdotes
  • To minimize potential negatives
  • To demonstrate ability to communicate well
  • To show you are the best candidate for the job

Interviewer's Goals:

  • To measure the level of your skills
  • To determine how relevant your previous experience will be
  • To highlight inconsistencies in your work record
  • To judge how you will get along with others and how you will respond to authority
  • To judge your potential performance and fit


  • Be prepared to talk about your:
    • education
    • training courses
    • special skills
    • personality
    • work experience
    • reasons for leaving last job
  • Talk about how you get along with others
  • Emphasize problem-solving skills related to the job
Topic:  Career Goals

Your Goals:

  • To show you have a well developed career plan
  • To express your goals clearly and relating them to the job being discussed

Interviewer's Goals:

  • To assess your career goals
  • To assess your motivation for the job being discussed


  • Be prepared to talk about where you want to be in 5 to 10 years
  • Be knowledgeable about the labour market demand for your chosen career
Topic: Personal

Your Goals:

  • To demonstrate personal fit with the organization
  • To remain calm and poised under stress
  • To emphasize other activities that demonstrate qualities relevant to the job

Interviewer's Goals:

  • To see how you handle the stress of the interview
  • To identify potential problems in your self-management skills


  • Be prepared to talk about interests and hobbies
  • Be prepared to talk about relevant volunteer activity
  • Demonstrate how your self-management skills will make you an asset
  • Ask 1 or 2 questions based on your pre-interview research
The Closing: Leaving a Lasting Impression

Your Goals:

  • To make sure you have made all the points you wanted to make
  • To make a strong closing statement
  • To demonstrate a strong interest in the job and in the company
  • To arrange a call back to get the results of their hiring decision

Interviewer's Goals:

  • To make sure all the necessary information has been covered
  • To indicate what will happen next


  • Arrange a call back
  • Thank the interviewer
  • Say you enjoyed the interview
  • Shake hands

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