Manitoba Law Reform Commission
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The M.L.R.C. offices will be moving to the 4th floor of 405 Broadway on October 19, 2006.

The Manitoba Law Reform Commission is an independent agency of the Government of Manitoba established by The Law Reform Commission Act, C.C.S.M. c. L95. The Commission's duties are to inquire into and consider any matter relating to law in Manitoba with a view to making recommendations for the improvement, modernization and reform of law including: the removal of provisions of the law which are outdated or inconsistent; the maintenance and improvement of the administration of justice; the review of judicial and quasi-judicial procedures under any Act; and the development of new approaches to and new concepts of law in keeping with and responsive to the changing needs of society and of individual members of society.

The Commission is funded through grants from the Department of Justice of the Government of Manitoba and the Manitoba Law Foundation.

The Commission offices are located at:

1210-405 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3L6
Telephone: (204) 945-2896
Fax: (204) 948-2184

MLRC Retirements

Clifford Edwards and Suzanne Pelletier
Clifford H.C. Edwards and Suzanne Pelletier

On June 30, 2006, President Clifford H.C. Edwards, C.M., Q.C. retired from the Manitoba Law Reform Commission. Prof. Edwards was appointed Chair of the Manitoba Law Reform Commission on July 1st, 1979 and, except for a short break in 1988, served the people of Manitoba for almost 26 years. During that time, the Commission has traveled a rocky road having been nearly abolished twice and in both those instances it survived due mainly to Prof. Edwards's driving force. Prof. Edwards received the Manitoba Bar Association Distinguished Service Award in 1995 and, on July 25, 2006, was named a member of the Order of Canada in recognition of a lifetime of distinguished service in the field of education.

On March 30, 2006, the Commission's long time administrator, Suzanne Pelletier, retired after more than 35 years of faithful service with the Commission. Suzanne has been the heart and soul of the Commission since it opened in 1970. She kept the office running smoothly, taking care of everyone with patience, grace and a great sense of humour. Not only has her work been exemplary but her dedication to the many people she has worked with over the years has been truly remarkable. Along with Prof. Edwards, Suzanne's dedication has helped to keep the flame of law reform alive in Manitoba. We have been fortunate to have a person who has given dedicated service far beyond the call of duty of an administrator.

Manitoba Law Reform Commission