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Protection Plan for Women in Abusive Relationships image of a distraught woman

Keeping yourself and your children safe from violence.

The Protection Plan

What is a protection plan?
A protection plan will help you and your children get to a safe place when you are in danger. The plan will include where to go, and what you need to take with you, if you’re forced to leave your home to escape from a violent partner.

When do you need a protection plan?
  1. If you are in an abusive relationship

When you are living within the “cycle of violence”, you need to be prepared to get yourself and your children to safety when you feel an attack is about to happen.

  1. If you have recently left an abusive relationship

If you remain in the family home, it is possible your partner may return and threaten or assault you again. Even if you have obtained a court order, that is no guarantee that the abuser will stay away.

If you leave the family home, your partner may search for you, and threaten or assault you.

The Cycle of Violence (and its role in the protection plan)
Violence in abusive relationships follows what is known as a “cycle of violence”. An assault is usually followed by a period of calm called the “honeymoon phase”, where the abuser feels and acts sorry about the attack. The honeymoon phase is followed by the tension-building phase, during which you will see a gradual build-up of tension, frustration and anger in your partner. It is during the tension-building phase that the chances of assault are much greater. The safest and surest way to protect yourself (and your children) is to put some distance between you and your partner during these high-risk times.

Elements of a Protection Plan

Remember – each protection plan is unique, because each woman’s circumstances are unique. The most important thing is your safety and the safety of your children.

1) Be aware of the signs that tell you an assault is about to take place.
Every abusive person has a different set of signs that indirectly tells the partner an attack is about to happen. Being aware of these “signs” can help a woman in an abusive relationship know when she will be attacked.

Answering the following questions will help you figure out what signs to look for:

  • What does your partner do or say in the period before an attack?
  • Does alcohol play a role in the violence towards you?
  • Is there a predictable time between attacks? When was the last attack and when can you expect the next one?
  • Are there other indicators an attack is about to happen? Examples may include unemployment, pregnancy and money troubles.

2) Decide on a safe place you can go with your children.
This might be a crisis shelter, the home of a friend or relative, a hotel, or any another place in which you can be safe. If you can not leave your home, is there a room or area of your home where you can be safe?

3) Decide how you will get there.
Decide what transportation you will use to get to a safe place. Do you have a car? If not, who can help you get to your place of safety? You might arrange for a friend, neighbour or relative to pick you up when the time comes. You may also want to keep some money with friends, so that when you feel threatened, you can leave quickly by taxi even if you have no cash on you. The police or Domestic Abuse Crisis Line may be able to help you plan your transportation.

4) Decide how you will escape from your home if an attack is about to happen.
Find out if there is a door or window you can use for escape, if necessary, and whether your children can also be taken out through these exits. Make sure that once you leave the home, you know immediately where to go. Find out beforehand where the nearest public phone is. Memorize any emergency numbers you may need (i.e., crisis shelter, police, social worker, etc.).

5) Decide what to take when you leave.
Do not stay behind to take any belongings if it endangers you or your children. If possible, do not leave your children. If you are in immediate danger and need to leave them, return as soon as possible, with the police if necessary.

If you are not in immediate danger, you should pack the following useful items:

  • Identification for you and your children – such as birth certificates, your social insurance number, driver’s license, immigration papers or treaty card.
  • legal documents – your mortgage or lease, or information about loans or assets you have
  • keys – for your house, car and safety deposit box (if you have one)
  • personal items – clothing and toiletries
  • medications you or your children are taking
  • things for your children – clothing, favourite toys, medicine, diapers or bottles

Remember – safety for you and your children is most important. If you have to leave without these items, the police can come back with you later to pick them up.

Additional tips
  • Keep a spare set of house keys and car keys handy.
  • Keep I.D. cards (i.e., health care, band numbers) for yourself and the children in your purse, or some place you can get to quickly.
  • Put some money away in a safe place – a little at a time.
  • Memorize any emergency phone numbers you might need.

For more information, contact:

Manitoba Justice
Victim Services Branch

Toll-Free Province-Wide
Domestic Abuse Crisis Line (24 hours)


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Protection Plan for Women in Abusive Relationships (645 Kb)

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