Facilities Map

Below is a map of our Whitehorse Rapids hydro facility.

  1. Turbine #4, often referred to as the Fourth Wheel
  2. Spillway – water not needed to produce electricity is spilled into the Yukon River
  3. Fishladder – allows migrating salmon and other species of fish to travel past the dam
  4. Fish weir – directs fish towards the fishladder
  5. Fish screens – also help direct fish towards the fishladder
  6. Underwater canal – another aid to direct fish towards the fishladder
  7. Turbines #1, 2 and 3
  8. Switching station – sends electricity to various communities
  9. Back up diesel generators
  10. Diesel storage tank
  11. Substation – gives electricity a voltage boost to help it travel along power lines
  12. Yukon Energy's award-winning administrative building

Facilities Map