Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


July 14, 2005


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New Funding Needed To Keep Highways Viable: Report

Transportation and Government Services Minister Ron Lemieux today received the recommendations of the 2020 – Manitoba’s Transport Vision report from 2020 Steering Committee chair Daryl Reid, MLA for Transcona.

"The steering committee and all participants are to be thanked for their efforts," said Lemieux. "The committee consulted extensively with the community and stakeholders and their response, which is detailed in this report, will serve as the road map showing us the way forward."

A major theme of the report, drawn from the public consultation process, includes the need for increased funding to maintain and expand existing infrastructure.

The Manitoba government has undertaken a number of initiatives since 1999 to address infrastructure needs in Manitoba:

"Manitobans have provided us with direction that will build on our solid record of increasing investments to meet the needs of the province’s transportation network," said Lemieux. "We will be examining the report and recommendations in more detail in order to provide further positive commitment of resources and long-term strategic planning to protect the transportation system’s role in our economy. We will also be accepting more suggestions and feedback as we move forward."

Lemieux added the report will be made available to the public at once it is reviewed. Comments on the report may be sent to his office at Room 203, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8.

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2020 – Manitoba's Transport Vision

The 2020 - Manitoba's Transport Vision mandate was to bring the public, government, communities and stakeholders together to provide input on the transportation system Manitoba needs and how it is to be funded. The 2020 Steering Committee, reporting to the minister of transportation and government services, oversaw the process. Public workshops were held in 2002 and 2003.

The initiative involved a series of provincewide public consultations over two years. These consultations assisted in the development of a Manitoba Transportation Strategy, which will guide transportation planning.

The public consultations: