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Table of Contents
Alphabetical Index
Index for Drawings

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Manitoba Transportation & Government Services

Work Zone Traffic Control Manual


March 2002

This manual is intended to provide minimum standards for the protection of road users and workers during temporary works relating to highway maintenance and construction, including utility and other operations. This manual should provide a single source for traffic control standards for use on Manitoba's highways. Over 1000 copies of this manual have been circulated since its initial printing in 2000.

Please contact the Traffic Engineering Branch at (204) 945-3781 for advice and recommendations on dealing with traffic control situations not included in this manual, or where the standards in the manual fail to adequately control traffic or protect workers.

The following revised standards are based on best practices in Manitoba and in other jurisdictions. They have been revised, refined and adjusted in actual field use. However, they are meant to be open to change and improvement, and we continue to welcome your suggestions, comments and criticisms.

Traffic controls for temporary conditions often represent a compromise between the time and cost to erect and maintain the necessary devices, and the need to get the job done. We hope this manual strikes a balance between those conflicting requirements, while providing the necessary protection to both workers and motorists.

This 2002 Edition incorporates many changes and improvements. Ron Weatherburn, Traffic Operations Engineer, and the Regional Safety Training Facilitators have made special contributions to this latest manual.



Oulton A. (Ben) Rogers, P. Eng. 
Director, Traffic Engineering Branch

Work Zone Policies - Table of Contents

Note: All files in Adobe Acrobat PDF format

900-A-1 Introduction
900-A-2 General Guidelines
900-A-3 Fundamental Principles
900-A-4 Worker Visibility on Roadway
900-A-5 Vehicle Visibility on Roadway
900-A-6 Survey Crew Traffic Control
900-A-7 Bilingual Traffic Signing
900-B-1 Work Zone Requirements
900-B-2 Flagpersons
900-B-3 Signs
900-B-4 Sign Placement
900-B-5 Portable Signs
900-B-6 Optional Sign Mounting Locations
900-B-7 Sign Spacing
900-B-8 Passing Restrictions
900-B-9 Barricades
(3 of 3 127 KB)
900-B-10 Gateway Assembly
(2 of 4 95 KB)
(3 of 4 153 KB)
(4 of 4 35 KB)
900-B-11 Hazard Markers
(3 of 3 95 KB)
900-B-12 Channelizers and Delineators
(3 of 3 88 KB)
900-B-13 Sign Reflectivity
900-B-14 Maintenance
900-B-15 Enhancement
900-B-16 Protection from Vehicular Traffic
900-B-17 Flagman for Stringline Person
900-B-18 Flagman for Worker Installing Temporary Overlay Marker
900-B-19 Working Near Railway Crossings
900-B-20 Traffic Control - Paving Operations
900-B-21 Temporary Storage of Objects in Right-of-Way
(2 of 2 64 KB)
900-C-1 Traffic Management Plans
900-C-2 Traffic Control Coordinator
900-C-3 Work Zone Components
900-C-4 Transition Tapers
900-C-5 Installation and Removal of Traffic Control Devices
900-C-6 Speed Limits in Construction & Maintenance Areas
900-C-7 60 lm/h when Passing Workers Sign
900-D-1 Traffic Control on Low Speed Roads
900-E-1 Off-Road Operations
900-E-2 Shoulder Work
900-F-1 Mobile Operations
900-F-2 Fast Moving Operations - Benkelman Beam (Pavement Deflection)
900-F-3 Fast Moving Operations - Soil Drill Truck/Coring Vehicle
900-F-4 Fast Moving Operations - Profilograph Unit
900-F-5 Fast Moving Operations - Nuclear Density Testing
900-F-6 Fast Moving Operations - Hi/Low Vehicle
900-F-7 Fast Moving Operations - Self Propelled Asphalite Unit
900-F-8 Mobile Operations - Maintenance Gravelling
900-F-9 Traffic Signal Repairs
900-F-10 Pavement Marking Operations
900-F-11 Sealcoat Operations
900-G-1 Short Term Lane Closures
900-G-2 Daylight Detour - Flagpersons Required Continuously
H - Work Zone Traffic Management - Long Term
900-H-1 Traffic Diversion - Long Term
900-H-2 Four Lane Divided Highway - Conversion to 2L2W Operation
900-H-4 Route Detour Signing
(2 of 2 186 KB)
900-H-5 Truck Entrance Signing
900-H-6 New 4-Lane Divided Highway Intersection Traffic Control
(2 of 2 102 KB )
900-H-7 Overhead Wires


Work Zone Policies - Alphabetic Index

Note: All files in Adobe Acrobat PDF format

Apparel - Department Employees 900-A-4
Asphalite Unit - Fast Moving Operations 900-F-7
Barricades 900-B-9
Benkelman Beam - Fast Moving Operations 900-F-2
Bench Cuts 900-B-11
Bilingual Traffic Signing 900-A-7
Channelizers - Types 900-B-12
Coordinator - Traffic Control 900-C-2
Detour - Daylight 900-G-2
Detour Signing 900-H-4
Devices - Basic Requirements 900-B-1
Devices - Enhanced Traffic Control 900-B-15
Devices - Maintenance 900-B-1
Devices - Removal 900-C-5
Drill Truck - Fast Moving Operations 900-F-3
Drums 900-B-12
Fast Moving Operations - Asphalite Unit 900-F-7
Fast Moving Operations - Benkelman Beam 900-F-2
Fast Moving Operations - Drill Truck/Coring Vehicle 900-F-3
Fast Moving Operations - Hi-Low Vehicle 900-F-6
Fast Moving Operations - Nuclear Density 900-F-5
Fast Moving Operations - Profilograph 900-F-4
Flagperson 900-B-2
Four-Lane to Two-Lane Two Way Conversion 900-H-2
Gateway Assembly 900-B-10
Gravel Windrows 900-B-11
Hazard Markers 900-B-11
Hi-Low Vehicle - Fast Moving Operations 900-F-6
Highway Traffic Act 900-A-1
Lane Closure - Long Term 900-H-1
Lane Closure - Short Term 900-G-1
Maintenance Gravelling - Mobile Operation 900-F-8
Mobile Operation - Maintenance Gravelling 900-F-8
Nuclear Density - Fast Moving Operations 900-F-5
Passing Restrictions 900-B-8
Pavement Edge Drop Off 900-B-11
Pavement Marking Operation 900-F-10
Poly Posts 900-B-12
Profilograph - Fast Moving Operations 900-F-4
Railways, working near 900-B-19
Retroreflectivity 900-B-13
Sealcoat Operations 900-F-11
Signs 900-B-3
Signs - Maintenance 900-B-14
Signs - Placement 900-B-4
Signs - Portable 900-B-5
Signs - Spacing 900-B-7
60 km/h When Passing Workers Signing 900-C-7
Speed Limits 900-C-6
Stringline Installation 900-B-17
Survey Crew Signing 900-A-6
Temporary Overlay Marker Installation 900-B-18
Temporary Storage of Objects in Right-of-Way 900-B-21
Traffic Control - Coordinator 900-C-2
Traffic Management Plans 900-C-1
Traffic Signal Repairs 900-F-9
Transition Tapers 900-C-4
Truck Entrance Signing 900-H-5
Vehicles - Visibility 900-A-5
Visibility - Clothing 900-B-16
Visibility - Vehicles 900-A-5
Work Zone - Components 900-C-3
Work Zone - Low Speed 900-D-1
Work Zone - Mobile 900-F-1
Work Zone - Off Road Work 900-E-1
Work Zone - Shoulder Work 900-E-2
Work Zone Areas - Activity 900-C-3
Work Zone Areas - Advance Warning 900-C-3
Work Zone Areas - Buffer 900-C-3
Work Zone Areas - Termination 900-C-3
Work Zone Areas - Transition 900-C-3


Index for Drawings

A) Roadside Work and Shoulder Work
Off-road Work TMP-1 111 KB
Work in Median Short duration TMP-2 141 KB
Right Shoulder Work Short duration TMP-3 126 KB
1) On a multi-lane road
Left Shoulder Work Short duration TMP-4 116 KB
Left Shoulder Work Short / long duration TMP-8 139 KB
2) On a two-lane road
Encroachment in right lane Mobile operations TMP-5 142 KB
Encroachment in right lane Short duration TMP-6 150 KB
Encroachment in right lane Long duration TMP-7 118 KB
Right Shoulder work Long duration TMP-7a 111 KB
B) Single-lane Closed
Multi-lane Road Mobile operations TMP-9 130 KB
Two-lane Road Mobile operations TMP-10 123 KB
Two-lane Road
yield to oncoming traffic;
volume < 60 vph
TMP-11 158 KB
Two-lane Road
flagger controlled;
volume > 60 vph
TMP-12 124 KB
Multi-lane road; left lane closed short duration TMP-13 140 KB
Multi-lane road; left lane closed short duration;
bilingual signing group
TMP-13b 148 KB
Multi-lane road; right lane closed short duration TMP-14 133 KB
Multi-lane road; right lane closed short duration;
bilingual signing group
TMP-14b 144 KB
Multi-lane road; left lane closed long duration TMP-15 150 KB
Multi-lane road; right lane closed long duration TMP-16 148 KB
Multi-lane road; right lane closed long duration;
bilingual signing group
TMP-16b 166 KB
Lane-drop on 4-lane divided
for bridge repairs
long duration;
bilingual signing group
TMP-16c 133 KB
C) Intersection lane closures on two-lane roads
Near-side lane closure short and long duration TMP-17 134 KB
Far-side lane closure short and long duration TMP-18 135 KB
D) Intersection lane closures on multi-lane roads
Left-lane closure short and long duration TMP-19 124 KB
Right-lane closure short and long duration TMP-20 123 KB
Right-turn lane closed TMP-21 95 KB
E) Areas in the Work Zone
Temporary Road Closure short duration TMP-22 92 KB
Shoofly Detour - Short Term short duration TMP-23 115 KB
Shoofly Detour - Long Term long duration TMP-24 181 KB
Four-lane divided highway
conversion to two-lane two-way
long duration TMP-25 194 KB
Traffic Control using a pilot vehicle short duration TMP-26 140 KB
Gravel Piles in center of roadway short duration TMP-27 109 KB
Typical Paving Operation short duration TMP-28 139 KB
Typical Sealcoat Operation short duration TMP-29 130 KB
Minimum traffic control for
Benkelman Beam Operation
short duration S-TMP-1 128 KB
Fast Moving Operations
Soil Drill Truck/Coring Vehicle
short duration S-TMP-2 130 KB
Fast Moving Operations
Profilograph unit
short duration S-TMP-3 166 KB
Fast Moving Operations
Nuclear density testing
short duration S-TMP-4 107 KB
Fast Moving Operations
High-Low testing
short duration S-TMP-5 102 KB
Traffic Control for trucks
hauling extra-long bridge girders
short duration S-TMP-6 93 KB
Asphalite operation fast moving S-TMP-7 109 KB
Maintenance gravelling operation mobile operation S-TMP-8 101 KB
Traffic Control for planned traffic
signal repairs
low speed
low volume
S-TMP-9 97 KB
Traffic Control for planned traffic
signal repairs
high speed
high volume
S-TMP-10 111 KB
Pavement marking operation S-TMP-11 129 KB
Pavement marking operation: multi-lane road S-TMP-12 129 KB
F) Traffic Signs
Sign Schedule SS 312 KB
Sign Schedule of bilingual signs SSB 230 KB

Bilingual traffic signing areas:



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