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Manitoba Transportation and Government Services

Manitoba's Spring Road Restriction (SRR) Program

Note:  2007 SRR Start Dates  (PDF, 36 Kb)

To assist motor carriers, farmers and businesses prepare for annual Spring Road Restrictions (SRR), Transportation and Government Services (TGS) has implemented a new communication policy.

Data collected during SRR 2005 will be analyzed to determine which roads will be subject to restriction in 2006. The timeliness of this analysis will be done in a manner that will enable the list (or “order”) to be prepared by late summer, enabling the department to communicate restricted roads to interested parties in the autumn prior to the actual start date (March 18, 2006).

Interested parties can obtain a copy of the Order by: 
 • contacting Compliance and Regulatory Services at (204) 945-3961 or (204) 945-3890
 • contacting local Transportation and Government Services offices and weigh stations.
 • fax polling Permit Services at 1-204-945-6499

The expressed intention of this approach is to enable road users to plan ahead for restrictions season, and minimize the impact to the highway infrastructure when it is at its most vulnerable.

Policies and Procedures

The purpose of Spring Road Restrictions is to protect Manitoba's surfaced highways from damage during spring thaw conditions by reducing allowable weights. In consultation with those affected by these weight reductions, Manitoba Transportation and Government Services has revised its policies and procedures to reflect current transportation trends and to help improve trip planning.

This page provides general guidelines to Spring Road Restrictions. Please refer to The Highway Traffic Act and Spring Road Restriction Bulletins for details.

Restriction Levels

The Spring Road Restriction levels are based on percentage loading formulae that are simpler and easier to use. Two restriction levels provide higher truck loading where possible and protect pavements where necessary. Exceptions to these restrictions will be made only for steering axle weights and Essential Commodities as described below. A Maximum Allowable Weight Table is included in this page to show examples of allowable loading for each restriction level.

Single Axle and Axle Groups

Load restriction levels for all axle units, except steering axles in certain situations, are expressed as a percentage of normal loading for each highway class:

Level 1 Restrictions:

RTAC Routes, class A1 & B1 Highways: 90 % of normal axle loads

Level 2 Restrictions:

class A1 & B1 Highways: 65 % of normal axle loads

Please click the respective links for tire size allowable weight information:

Steering Axles

To address technological changes, such as set back steering axles, the allowable weights for steering axles are as follows:

Level 1 Restrictions:

Normal loading of 10 kg/mm of tire width to a maximum of 5,500 kg will be allowed.

Level 2 Restrictions:

  • When transporting Essential Commodities, normal loading of 10 kg/mm of tire width to a maximum of 5,500 kg will be allowed, in accordance with Essential Commodities provisions. Trucks returning empty from these deliveries can do so any time. A list of Essential Commodities is provided for quick reference in the last section of this page. 
  • All other vehicles and commodities will be subject to the Level 2 restriction of 65% of normal loading for all axles including the steering axle.
sample for truck tractor and semi-trailer, with 280 mm (11 inch) tires
Axle RTAC 90% (normal) A1 90% (normal) A1 65% B1 90% (normal) B1 65%
Steering 5500 (5500) 5500 (5500) 3575 5500 (5500) 3575
Single axle unit 8190 (9100) 8190 (9100) 5915 7380 (8200) 5330
Tandem axle unit 15,300 (17,000) 14,400 (16,000) 10,400 13,050 (14,500) 9425

* Detailed maximum allowable weight tables are available above.

Essential Commodities

It is in the public interest that certain commodities and situations be accommodated even during the spring restriction period. These Essential Commodities have been separated into two groups, the Permit Exemptions List and the Permit Required List. The following provisions provide for limited travel on Level 2 restricted roads while carrying Level 1 weights.

Essential Commodities Provisions

The following provisions apply:

  • To loads of Essential Commodities, and
  • To roads that are not designated as "65% of Normal Axle Loads, Exemptions by Permit Only"
  1. Despite the imposition of Level 2 road restrictions, Level 1 road restrictions shall continue to apply to the following categories of vehicles:
    1. inter-city passenger buses;
    2. school buses; and
    3. highway maintenance vehicles operated by or on behalf of a traffic authority.
  2. Despite the imposition of Level 2 road restrictions, a vehicle may transport essential commodities at Level 1 weights on a highway that is subject to Level 2 road restrictions under the following conditions:
    1. if the highway links two points on the vehicle's itinerary that are less than 10 km apart, or in any other case if the highway is the most direct route between a point on the itinerary and the nearest highway that is not subject to Level 2 road restrictions; and
    2. if the essential commodities are transported between 2400 and 1200 hours during the first 14 days of this Restriction Order, or at any time of the day after the 14th day.

Vehicles traveling empty to pick up essential commodities or after having delivered them may travel at any time of the day at Level 1 weights on highways that are subject to Level 2 road restrictions if they comply with condition 2(a) above.

Permit Exemptions List Permits Required List
The following commodities will not require a permit when transported under the conditions described earlier and specified in the Spring Road Restrictions Bulletins.
  1. livestock feed in transit as follows:
    1. grain en route from producer to processor;
    2. unprocessed grain required for feed; and
    3. processed livestock feed
  2. hay for feed intra-provincially
  3. livestock in transit
    1. to or from market or pasture, or
    2. as the result of a sale
  4. drinking water
  5. bulk milk
  6. seed in transit to supplier, farm or field
  7. groceries
  8. pharmaceuticals
  9. fuel
  10. fertilizer
  11. municipal refuse in transit to the nearest landfill site, and
  12. equipment and materials required for emergencies including forest fires, floods, train derailments, pipeline spills, etc.
The following commodities will require a permit from Manitoba Transportation & Government Services. Permits may be issued only to prevent undue hardship or for economic necessity.
  1. grain to satisfy grain quotas or contracts
  2. potatoes or vegetables from producer to processor
  3. irreducible loads of heavy construction or industrial machinery
  4. pregnant mares urine
  5. fish
  6. crude oil

*Other request for permits will be considered, at the discretion of the department, in situations where it is determined to be in the public interest.

"Exemptions by Permit Only" Routes

New "Exemptions by Permit Only" signs will be posted under the standard "65% of Normal Axle Loads" signs on certain roads listed in the restriction order. These routes may be designated where more than one access to a community or location exists. No axle weights in excess of 65% of normal loading will be allowed, including Essential Commodities. Permits may be issued by the department in emergency situations.

Fixed Start & End Dates

Based on recent thaw patterns, an earlier start date will be used to reduce the significant amount of damage occurring at the beginning of spring thaw. A fixed start date has been set and is expected to be in effect most years.

Start Date End Date
Zone 1
Level 1 & 2 March 18 May 26*
Zone 2
Level 1 & 2 March 25 May 31

Implementation may be delayed in years of late thaw. In this case, a more reasonable start date will be set based on a thaw index and communicated to industry with 48 hours notice. Any delay of the start date will be available by fax polling, on the Web Site, and through the Road Information Line.

*May be delayed up to May 31 when start date is delayed

Two Climatic Zones

Because of differing thaw rates,
the province has been divided into two zones.

  • Zone #1
    means the Province of Manitoba
    south of the line that includes PTH #77,
    going easterly to include PR #513 (Gypsumville)
    and the northern tip of Black Island,
    southeasterly to the north junction of
    PTH # 11 and PR # 304, and
    easterly to the Ontario border.
  • Zone #2
    means the Province of Manitoba
    north of Zone #1.
Manitoba Spring Road Restrictions - 2 Climate Zones

How to Read the SRR Order

The SRR Order lists only roads that are restricted. At the beginning of the Order, the official start date is listed, which is March 18 of the applicable year. The interpretations section provides basic information as to what are Level 1 (90% of normal loading) and Level 2 (65% of normal loading) road restrictions, as well as defining the two climatic zones, and their start and end dates.

The lists of restricted roads are subdivided based on classes of highway. Section “A” details RTAC Routes and A1 highways restricted to Level 1 loading. Section “B” lists B1 highways subject to Level 1 restrictions. Section “C” details all highways subject to Level 2 restrictions.

The restricted highway is listed on the left of the page. The section(s) of the highway that is restricted is listed to the right. Please note that some highways may be partly RTAC, A1 and/or B1, and may be restricted to Level 1 and/or Level 2 weights. It is important to look for the highway in question in all three sections of the Order. A highway (or a section of a highway) not listed in any of the sections is allowed normal loading.

  All vehicles traveling on the following RTAC Routes and Class A1 highways are subject to Level 1 road restrictions effective the above dates:

PTH # 3 PR #528 to La Riviere
  North junction PTH #21 to north junction PTH #83
  South junction PTH #83 to the Saskatchewan Border
PTH #5 PTH #2 northerly to the Assiniboine River
PTH #8 PR #231 to the Hecla Park Gate

At the end of the Order, the Provisos that allow exceptions to the policy (such as essential commodities) are listed.

Notification of Affected Highways

Advertisements announcing that the Spring Road Restrictions Order is available and how to obtain it will be published in the Fall and in February prior to the restrictions start date in the following:

Manitoba Cooperator
La Liberte
Winnipeg Free Press
Winnipeg Sun
Brandon Sun
Community Newspapers

Fax Polling: All bulletins are available by fax polling the Compliance and Regulatory Services Branch at 1-204-945-6499

Web site: Bookmark this page and refer to it often for bulletins, updates, tire calculation charts, the SRR Map and more.

Road Information Line: Information will be available through a verbal description of road restrictions at 1-204-945-3704

Note: Please check regularly for changes throughout the restriction period. Delays to the start date will be communicated via fax polling, the Road Information Line and the Web Site.

For further information, please contact your local Manitoba
Transportation & Government Services Office OR Weigh Station,

or call:

Permit Services: 1-204-945-3961

Compliance Services: 1-204-945-3890





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