Government of Nunavut
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and Executive Offices

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Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs

Minister: Hon. Paul Okalik
Deputy Minister of Executive: John Walsh
Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs: David Omilgoitok
Assistant Deputy Minister: Phoebe Hainnu
Assistant Deputy Minister Intergovernmental Affairs: Robert Carson

Tel: 867-975-6000
Fax: 867-975-6095

Mission Statement

Executive & Intergovernmental Affairs provides advice and administrative support to Cabinet and the Government of Nunavut. We work to ensure that the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and Nunavut's relationships with other governments in Canada and the circumpolar world are used to support common goals. We compile and communicate information for today and the future. We evaluate government programs and data.

Our Vision

For government to serve the citizens of Nunavut well, Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs must be a source of solid advice, reliable leadership, effective communication, dependable data, and sound management support.

(c) 2003 Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs