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Terms and Conditions
Safety Checklist
Safe Clean-Up
Vehicle and Shuttle
Contact Personnel

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  1. The group agrees to pick up litter on a segment of highway selected in consultation with the Manitoba Transportation local office. Recommended length is eight kilometres. At Manitoba Transportation's discretion, certain highways may not be eligible.
  2. The group shall review the safety checklist and procedures before each pickup to alert participants to the hazards and precautions of working on a highway right-of -way.
  3. The group shall arrange litter pickup date(s) in advance with the Director of Regional Operations or designee in the appropriate Manitoba Transportation office. The group shall obtain their supplies and return unused supplies during regular business hours.
  1. Provide four high visibility vests, trash bags, and safety training materials and temporary traffic warning signs when necessary as determined by Manitoba Transportation.
  2. Remove filled trash bags from the adopted highway.
  3. Remove large, heavy or hazardous material from the adopted highway.
  4. Erect a highway sign to recognize the group’s cleanup efforts. The name on the sign shall be limited to two lines of eighteen to twenty characters (including spaces). Manitoba Transportation reserves the right to-approve and/or edit names or acronyms.

Safety is a very important aspect of this event.

All participating members are encouraged to be as cautious as possible.

HIGHWAYS ARE DANGEROUS – vehicles will not usually slow down.


Safety Checklist and Procedures

  • You must be familiar with this safety checklist
  • You must contact the local Director of Regional Operations prior to commencing clean up.
  • You must be 12 years of age or older.
  • You must wear bright clothing.
  • You must wear gloves and sturdy footwear.
  • You must complete clean up activities during daylight hours on the specified clean up day.

Safety Checklist for Work Crew Supervisors

  • You must have your safety checklist and procedures with you.
  • You must have a list of emergency contacts and phone numbers.

Emergency Contacts





Safe Clean-Up Procedure

  • It is recommended that there be at least 1 adult supervisor (18 years of age and older) for every 2 children (12 to 14 years of age) participating on the work crew.
  • All participants other than the shuttle operators must stay off of the highway – this includes the paved or gravel shoulder. Never chase a windblown object onto the highway.
  • An adult supervisor should always work between the outside edge of the shoulder and the children participating in the clean up.
  • The youngest participants should work closest to the fence.
  • Do not cross the highway.
  • The area to be cleaned will be from the outside edge of the shoulder to the property line on both sides of the highway.
  • The standard for cleaning Is to pick up everything that is the size of a candy bar wrapper or larger.
  • Do not touch, disturb, or pick up dead animals.
  • Do not touch, disturb or pick up any items you are unsure of like needles, syringes, chemical or pesticide containers.
  • Leave a garbage bag beside any dead animals or items that you are not sure of. The bag left should be anchored or be full enough so that it cannot blow away. Manitoba Transportation will take care of the disposal of all hazardous or potentially hazardous materials.
  • Full garbage bags are to be left far enough off the shoulder so as not to interfere with or be struck by traffic.
  • Items too large or too heavy to be placed in garbage bags should be left off the edge of the shoulder, again so as not to interfere with or be struck by traffic.
  • Do not burn anything. Stay away from deep water. Clean your hands before eating.


Vehicle and Shuttle Safety Procedures

  • All shuttle drivers will obey the rules of the road. Drive defensively, in a safe and courteous manner.
  • Never drive against the flow of traffic.
  • When slowing down and stopping to pick up or drop off participants, the shuttle vehicle should use its four way flashers.
  • Whenever possible. Pull right off the highway when stopping to pick up or drop off participants by using approaches and side roads. Never block a travel lane and never stop by a guardrail or on a bridge.
  • Never park a vehicle over the brow of a hill.
  • Always get in and out of shuttle vehicle on the side that is furthest away from the travel lanes.
  • Do not try to get in or out of the shuttle vehicle until it has come to a complete stop and the driver tells you to get in or out.
  • Do not ride in the back of pick-ups or on the tailgate.

Think safety and thank you for your participation in keeping Manitoba clean.


Region Contact Personnel

Head Office
16 - 215 Garry St.
Winnipeg MB R3C 3Z1

  • Carl Wiebe
    Manager Special Operations
  • Neil Gobelle
    Coordinator Highway Information Services

Region Contact Personnel

Region 1:
316 - 323 Main Street
Steinbach MB ROA 2AO

  • Walter Burdz
    Director of Regional Operations
  • Bob Stewart
    Maintenance Engineer

Region 2:
25 Tupper St. N.
Portage la Prairie MB R1N 3K1

  • Bob McKay
    Director of Regional Operations
  • Don Findlay
    Maintenance Manager

Region 3:
1525 - 1st St. N.
Brandon MB R7C 1B5

  • Don McKibbin
    Director of Regional Operations
  • Art Schollenberg
    Maintenance Engineer

Region 4:
257 Industrial Road
Dauphin MB R7N 3B3

  • Adam Safronetz
    Director of Regional Operations
  • Warren Radbourne
    Maintenance Engineer

Region 5:
11 Nelson Road
Thompson MB R8N 0B3

  • Doug McMahon
    Director of Regional Operations
  • Barry Rempel
    Maintenance Engineer



ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY APPLICATION in Adobe Acrobat format (6 KB)



We, _______________________________________________________________,
agree to pick up litter two times a year for a minimum of two years.

We request permission to pick up litter on PTH/PR between _____________________ and _____________________ 
for a total of ________ kilometres.

Manitoba Transportation reserves the right to refuse, cancel or revise this agreement if in its sole judgment the nature of the group or its sign is political, controversial or in questionable taste, or if the group is not meeting the terms and conditions of this agreement. By signing this agreement, the group acknowledges the hazardous nature of the work and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions herewith to the satisfaction of the Manitoba Transportation & Government Services.

Except for the negligent acts of the Province, its agents, and employees, the volunteers or their agents shall assume all liability for, and save the province, its agents and employees, harmless from, any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of the work to be done herein.

Any and all volunteers of the group or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or service performed under this agreement shall not be considered employees of the province, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the worker's compensation act of Manitoba on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party of the group’s volunteers or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services to be rendered shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the province.

(Please print)

Name of Group:


Name of Group Representative:







(home)__________________________ (work)_________________________________


Name to appear on sign:



Special provisions:







Director of Regional Operations Date:



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