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Manitoba Transportation & Government Services

Long Wheelbase Truck Tractor Policy


Owners of long wheelbase truck tractors
operating under permit in Manitoba
on or before this date,
may continue to do so under
a vehicle specific, non-transferable permit.

For the purposes of this policy, a long wheelbase truck tractor is defined as a truck tractor with a wheelbase in excess of 6.2 metres (244 inches) used in an RTAC configuration.

"Truck tractor wheelbase" is defined in The Vehicle Weights and Dimensions on Classes of Highways Regulation (MR 575/88) as:

the longitudinal distance from the centre of the front steering axle to the geometric centre of the drive axle unit.

The new policy is designed to allow carriers currently holding a Manitoba permit for a long wheelbase truck tractor, to continue operating that specific vehicle in Manitoba for as long as they own it.

Effective January 1, 2003, all permit holders will be required to complete a permit application that lists the long wheelbase truck tractors in their fleets that will continue to operate in Manitoba. Required information for each vehicle includes:

  • Registered owner(s)
  • Address
  • Vehicle year
  • Vehicle make
  • License plate and jurisdiction
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)

A non-transferable permit will be issued in the owner's name for each vehicle identified in the application.

The cost per permit is $20.00.

All permit applications must be submitted to Manitoba Permit Services no later than May 1, 2003.

After that date, further permit requests will only be considered where an applicant can provide ample proof of that specific vehicle being previously operated in Manitoba and owned by the applicant (i.e. not by a previous owner). Proof can consist of ownership/registration documents, lease agreements/contracts, and bills of lading/pro bills indicating that loads were transported in Manitoba by the vehicle in question prior to the policy implementation (January 1, 2003).

All other vehicles operating in Manitoba must comply with either RTAC or non-RTAC dimensions, as outlined in:

The Vehicle Weights and Dimensions on Classes of Highways Regulation (MR 575/88) and
The Vehicle Weights and Dimensions on Classes of Highways Regulation amendment (MR 97/2002)
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Owner-operators working for other carriers will be issued permits showing both names.

Recognizing that owner-operators may change affiliations, these permits will be issued in the vehicle owner's name, followed by the registered owner’s name, in order to accommodate future contractual arrangements.

When the permit holder sells, relinquishes or retires the vehicle, the permit will be terminated and the associated rights for travel in Manitoba for that vehicle will not transfer to the new owner(s).


Permit Application form (Microsoft Word)

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The Province of Manitoba supports the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) administered through the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada (RTAC) Agreement on Weights and Dimensions signed in 1988. To control vehicle performance characteristics, the agreement sets the maximum allowable truck tractor wheelbase for RTAC configurations at 6.2m (244 inches). This limit is in place to control the turning performance of vehicles, such as minimizing encroachment into other lanes during turning maneuvers, and to prevent driving over curbs in urban areas.

A truck tractor with a wheelbase that exceeds 6.2m may be allowed when the vehicle is considered "non-RTAC". In these cases the turning performance is acceptable due to a decrease in the overall length. The differences in length are illustrated in the chart below.

Maximum overall length
(truck tractor wheelbase maximum 6.2m)
(truck tractor wheelbase not controlled)
Truck tractor, semi-trailer 23 m 20 m
A-, B-, C-trains 25 m 23 m

In 1993, the Department identified several companies that had existing equipment that did not conform to the RTAC specifications, as they were now using longer trailers. These companies had moved to 48' and 53' trailers (in lieu of the former 40' and 45' trailers) with long wheel base truck tractors, which in total exceeded the non-RTAC legal length.

To prevent undue economic hardship for those identified motor carriers, the Department developed a permitting policy, which allowed those that had historically operated these long wheelbase truck tractors to continue to use vehicles that were already in their possession, up to RTAC overall lengths. In recent years, increases have been noted in the number of requests for new permits and in the number of long wheelbase truck tractors operating on Manitoba highways. This trend is contrary to the provisions of the MOU signed in 1988.

To address this trend and ensure future compliance with the provisions of the MOU, the new policy was developed.

For more information, please contact Manitoba Permit Services, at
(204) 945-3961,
or email


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