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Manitoba Department

Domestic Violence is a Crime
Under the law, no one has the right to abuse another. Domestic violence, also known as spousal or partner abuse, is usually violence or threats of violence, and includes physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse. If you need help or you want to help in breaking the cycle of domestic violence, there are resources available to assist you. Victim Services – Domestic Violence Unit is a free service that helps individuals who are victims of domestic violence where criminal charges have been, or may be laid against their partner. For information contact the Victim Services – Domestic Violence Unit or call the toll-free province-wide domestic abuse crisis line (24 hours) at 1-877-977-0007.

Protection Under the Law
If a spouse, a partner or a child is being abused, both criminal law and civil law offer assistance and protection. Each branch of the law provides different remedies. Criminal law is intended to deter offences from being committed and deal with offenders. Civil law is used to settle disputes between individuals and can also provide protection for an individual. It may be necessary to use both systems for the best available protection.

Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act
Manitoba’s Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act and the Domestic Violence and Stalking Regulation (211Kb PDF) which came into force on September 30, 1999, provides persons subjected to stalking and domestic violence with the ability to seek a wide range of civil remedies to address their individual needs. Interested in learning more about this powerful law?

Protection and Prevention Orders
You can ask for special protective orders if you have been subjected to either domestic violence or stalking. Protection orders can be obtained from designated Justices of the Peace quickly, simply and inexpensively, without notice to the person who is abusing you. Prevention orders can be obtained from the Court of Queen’s Bench by making an application in front of a Judge. Even though these orders may not be as easy to obtain quickly in emergency situations, they can contain a greater number of conditions.

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