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L.G.D. of Pinawa Community Profile:
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Department of Conservation

Areas in Attainment for Federal Air Pollution Regulations
Area Yes / No If No, Degree of Excedence
& Anticipated Change
Ozone Yes  
Carbon Monoxide Yes  
Particulate matter Yes  
Lead Yes  
Sulfur dioxide Yes  
Nitrogen dioxide Yes  
State institued a one-stop air
and water quality permitting system

Average Permit Approval Time from the Date of a Completed Routine Application
Permit Average Time
Air permit N/A - Air Pollution regulations included in operating license
Water permit 3 months to 2 years depending on project and other factors
Hazardous waste permit N/A - Hazardous Waste regulations included in operating license
Information on Environmental Approvals

Provincial Permit Contact Information
Permit Name of Agency Address Telephone Fax
Air permit Manitoba Conservation Environmental Approvals 2nd floor, 123 Main St.,
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 945-8321 (204)945-5229
Water permit Manitoba Conservation Environmental Approvals 2nd floor, 123 Main St.,
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 945-8321 (204)945-5229
Hazardous waste permit Manitoba Conservation Environmental Approvals 2nd floor, 123 Main St.,
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 945-8321 (204)945-5229

Nearest Licensed Hazardous Waste Disposal Site
Name of Site Miller Environmental Corporation
City Letellier, Manitoba
Location 75 kilometres south of Winnipeg along HWY. #75

Number of Licensed Hazardous
Waste Haulers Serving the Province
Number 8

Land Fill Sites
Land Fill Location Capacity Left at Current Site(s)
Pinawa Landfill Site 9 km drive NW of townsite 22

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