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L.G.D. of Pinawa Community Profile:
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Name of Municipality / Community Pinawa
Elevation 890
Latest Census Population (1996) 1672
Incorporated Municipality Type Local Government District
Date Municipality Incorporated January 3, 1963
Region Eastman
School Divisions Whiteshell
Longitude 95° 52' 50"
Latitude 50° 8' 56"
Land Area Sq. Km Sq.Miles
121.57 48.628


Weather Office

 Temperature (Seasonal Averages)
January (winter season) -13 8.6
April (spring season) 9 48.2
July (summer season) 25 77
October (autumn season) 10 50

Precipitation mm inches
Average rainfall per year 429 17.16
Average snowfall per year 130 5.2
Total Precipitation 559 22.36
Average number of frost free days 110

Services & Utilities

Services Yes / No
Garbage Pick-up Y
Recycle Program Y
Police / RCMP Y
# of Officers 2
Fire Department Y
911 Service N
Belong to a Planning District N
Development Plan Y
Zoning By-Law Y
Belong to a Conservation District N

Utilities Yes / No
Public Water System Y
Municipal Sewer Y
Natural Gas N
Telephone Y
Hydro Electricity Y


Services # of
Fibre Services Available 0
Cable Television ( # of stations) 1
Other Television Services (Non Cable) 21
Cellular Telephone 2
Local Internet Services Provider 2

Media # of
Daily Newspaper 2
Weekly Newspaper 3
Radio Coverage (# of stations received) 10
Local Radio Station 0
Local Television Station 1

Health Care Services

Health Care Facilities Location of Closest Facility
Hospital Pinawa
Medical Clinic Pinawa
Personal Care Home Lac du Bonnet
Manitoba Health Website
Regional Health Authorities (RHA's)

Other Services Available Yes/No
Ambulance Service  
Medical Airlift N

Health Care Ratios per 1,000 pop. Number
Chiropractors 1.67
Dentists 1.67
Doctors, Family Medicine 0.42
Mental Health Workers 1.67
Physiotherapists 0.84
Registered Nurses 0.28


Educational Institution Location of Closest Facility
Pre-School / Nursery School Pinawa
Elementary Pinawa
Junior High School Pinawa
High School Pinawa
Public Library Pinawa
Post-Secondary Institutions Colleges & Universities

Other Social Services Yes / No
Licensed Day Care Facilities & Services Y
Seniors Residences N
Handi-Transit Y
Community Mental Health Y


Facility & Services Yes / No Location of Closest Facility
Taxi N Lac du Bonnet
Intercity Bus Service Y Pinawa (Winnipeg to Pine Falls)
Local Bus Service N Winnipeg
Handi-Transit Bus Service Y Lac du Bonnet
Railroad N Whitemouth
Freight Terminal / Trucking Services Y Beausejour
Small Craft Harbours / Marinas Y Pinawa

General Aviation Airports Length of Runway Location of Closest Facility
km miles
Paved 1.1 .66 Lac du Bonnet, 30 k NE from Pinawa
Float Plane Base Yes / No Location
Y Lac du Bonnet, 30 k NE from Pinawa

Highway Distance Travel Time (Minutes)
km miles
Distance to Winnipeg International Airport 140 84  
Distance to 4 lane Trans-Canada Highway      
Distance to 24 Hour U.S. Border Crossing 222 133.2  

Economic Base Summary

Agricultural Resources

Manitoba Agriculture and Food
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Association
Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP)

Major Employers

Top Five Private Sector Employers

Name Product / Service # of Employees
Acsion Industries electron beam processing 30
Pinawa Club / Bradley's restaurant, golf, tennis, and curling 15
Northern Store groceries, household, liquor & wine 10
Kelly's Music & Computers music software & hardware 8
Pinawa Motor Inn accomodation, tavern, restaurant 7

Top Five Public Sector Employers

Name Sector # of Employees
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. nuclear waste management 270
Whiteshell School District education 35
Pinawa Hospital health care 29
LGD of Pinawa municipal government and services 15
North Eastman Health Association health care 12

Businesses, Trades, & Professional Services

Business, Trades, & Professional Services
Service Number of
Accommodations # of
Bed & Breakfasts 1
Campgrounds 1
Hotels 2
Automotive # of
Auto fuel sales (no mechanic-gas bar) 1
Car washes 1
Propane gas 1
Service stations with mechanic(s) 1
Construction / Hardware # of
Heating / air conditioning sales / service 1
Landscapers, lawn service 1
Painters (full time) 1
Plumbing repair / contractors (full time) 1
Financial # of
Credit unions / caisse populaire 1
Food And Beverages # of
Bakeries 1
Beverage rooms, lounges, etc. 2
Coffee / Tea Rooms, Donut shops 3
Convenience stores 1
Grocery stores 1
Ice cream shop 1
Liquor stores 1
Meat shops, butchers 1
Restaurants, drive-through or drive-in 1
Restaurants, licensed 2
Furniture, Appliance / Home # of
Audio, video, electronics stores 1
Computer stores 1
Interior decorators 1
Paint / wall covering stores 1
Video rental / sales stores 2
General Merchandise # of
Book stores 1
Florists / indoor plants 1
Gift shops 1
Office supplies, stationery 1
Pharmacies / drug stores 1
Toy stores 1
Other Services # of
Barber shops / hair salons 3
Insurance agents 1
Publishers 1
Realtors 3
Travel agents 1
Professional Services # of
Accountants 3
Architects 1
Engineers / planning consultants 1
Financial planners, consultants 1
Land surveyors 1
Repair Services # of
Appliance repair 1
Machine shops / welding 1
Video, TV, Computer repair 1

Number & Values of Building Permits

Number & Value of Building Permits
Year Residential Commercial Industrial / Other Total $ value
# of Permits $ Value of Construction # of New Housing Starts # of Permits $ Value of Construction # of Permits $ Value of Construction
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

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