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Urban Centre Market & Communter Shed Profiles

Immediate Market Area Profiles

There are 83 Immediate Market Area Profiles. An Immediate Market Area consists of a village, town, or city (one urban centre) and its immediately adjacent rural municipalities that border the urban centre.

Select a Immediate Market Area Profile:

50km Commuter Shed Profiles

There are 83 (50) kilometre Commuter Shed Profiles which profile aggregated Census Subdivision data within a 50 kilometre range of the incorporated urban centre.

Select a 50km Commuter Shed Profile:

100km Commuter Shed Profiles

There are 83 (100) kilometre Commuter Shed Profiles which profile aggregated Census Subdivision data within a 100 kilometre range of the incorporated urban centre.

Select a 100km Commuter Shed Profile:

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