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Exotic Cervids and Wild Boar

To further protect Manitoba's habitat and native wildlife from disease and the risk of genetic contamination with exotic species, Manitoba Conservation has introduced amendments to the Exotic Wildlife Regulation.

Wild boar munches vegetationThe Exotic Wildlife Regulation now prohibits the possession of exotic cervids (e.g. reindeer, Sitka deer, roe deer, fallow deer, Père David's deer) and wild boar, except under the authority of a Wildlife Farm Licence. Any one possessing these exotic species is now required to obtain a licence.

The possession of all exotic cervids or wild boar is now subject to the conditions as specified on the Wildlife Farm Licence. Those individuals possessing exotic cervids or wild boar have until April 1, 2007 to apply for a Wildlife Farm Licence.

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Exotic Cervids
and Wild Boar

- Producer Requirments
- Wildlife Farm Licence Application
- Wild Boar At Large

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