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Canadian Committee on Antarctic Research

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Strategic Roadmap 2002-2005

In February 2006, board and staff of the Canadian Polar Commission met to develop collectively the following Strategic Roadmap for the Commission's next three-year term:

Purpose and Objectives Top

  1. To monitor the state of knowledge, in Canada and elsewhere, in respect of the polar regions and report regularly and publicly.
  2. To determine polar knowledge priorities and report regularly to Canadians.
  3. To co-operate with Canadian organizations, institutions and associations to support the development and dissemination of knowledge in respect of the polar regions.
  4. To advise the Government on matters relating to the Arctic and Antarctic.
  5. To provide information about research in respect of the polar regions to Canadians and Canadian organizations, institutions and associations.
  6. To enhance Canada's international profile as a circumpolar nation by fostering international cooperation in the advancement of knowledge in respect of the polar regions.
  7. To undertake any other activities in the furtherance of its purpose.

Values and Beliefs Top

We will:

  • have respect for all peoples and cultures;
  • give priority to northerners' concerns and views;
  • act to enhance opportunities for northerners;
  • act in the spirit of co-management, combining and respecting all forms of knowledge;
  • communicate and disseminate information in a manner that is accessible and understandable for all Canadians.
 Objectives Top
  • Expand and develop the Canadian Polar Information Network, including the Polar Science Forum and the Researcher's Directory.
  • Provide a citizen perspective in the development of a northern science policy framework for research.
  • Explore opportunities for greater visibility/profile in all regions
  • Continue indicators research to report on the state of polar knowledge
  • Report on polar issues and the state of polar knowledge and provide greater insight and analysis of polar issues
  • Promote Canadian participation in Antarctic and bipolar scientific activities and ensure Canadian polar research concerns are brought to the attention of international organizations.

Vision Top

CPC will advocate and develop polar knowledge to benefit Canadians and sustain polar regions. Polar knowledge includes social sciences, traditional knowledge, natural sciences and the humanities

1. The Canadian Polar Commission will continue to support, promote and advise on International Polar Year (IPY) activities and objectives.

The Canadian Polar Commission will strive to secure funding for IPY, and will foster a pan-Canadian approach to IPY planning and activities for the Arctic and Antarctic. The Canadian Polar Commission will provide commentary on the progress and usefulness of the overall IPY programme. The Canadian Polar Commission will take a leadership role in outreach, communication and infrastructure associated with IPY and its follow-up.

2 The Canadian Polar Commission will study, coordinate and advocate for a polar science policy for Canada. Such a policy would account for current and probable future information needs, and identify priorities for Canadian polar research.

Canada currently needs more information in diverse areas of polar research, including climate change impacts and adaptation, sovereignty, transportation, societal change and non-renewable resource development impacts. Canada currently has disparate fragments of polar science policy; a single coherent policy is required, one that would provide for adequate funding and infrastructure. An infrastructure inventory and analysis will be essential to planning for future research needs.

Last updated: 04/04/2006 8:40 AM (ET)
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