

Study Series and Discussion Papers

S-0217: A Comparison of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Spending

  • S-0217: A Comparison of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Spending in Canada and Selected Countries 2002 (PDF)
  • July 2002 NEWSletter Excerpt (PDF)
  • Proposed Methodology (PDF)

S-0216: Foreign Price Trends for Patented Medicines 2002 (PDF)

S-0215: Verification of Foreign Patented Drug Prices 2002 (PDF)

National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS) Analytical Study Series

The Impact upon Public Drug Plans of Changes in Drug Distribution (PDF)

Pharmaceutical Trends - Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Pharmacy Program 1999-2000 to 2001-2002 - October 2004 (PDF)

Budget Impact Analysis Guidelines: Needs Assessment  - October 2005. (PDF)

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Reports

Revised October 2003

  • Provincial Drug Plans Overview Report: Pharmaceutical Trends 1995/96–1999/00 * (PDF)

  • Market Penetration Analysis Case Study, 1995/96–1999/00 (PDF)
  • Inter-Provincial Prescription Drug Price Comparison 1995/96–1999/00 (PDF)
  • Hospital and Community Pricing Analysis 1995/96–1999/ (PDF)

May 2003


Cost Driver Analysis of Provincial Drug Plans

  • Alberta, 1993/94–98/99 (PDF)
  • British Columbia, 1990/91–98/99 (PDF)
  • Manitoba, 1995/96–98/99 (PDF)
  • Nova Scotia, 1995/96–98/99 (PDF)
  • Ontario, 1992/93–98/99 (PDF)
  • Saskatchewan, 1991/92–98/99 (PDF)

June 2001


  • Price & Expenditure Trend Analysis of Prescription Drugs in Six Provincial Plans, 1990-1997 (PDF)
  • Top Selling Non-patented Single Source Drug Products: International Price comparison, 1996 (PDF)
  • An Examination of New Non-Breakthrough (Category 3) Patented Medicines (PDF)
  • A Comparison of Prescription Drug Prices in 6 Provincial Drug Plans, 1993-1997 (PDF)
  • Cost Driver Analysis of Provincial Drug Plans British Columbia, 1990-1997
  • Prices of Generic-to-Brand Name Prescription Drugs in 5 Provincial Drug Plans, 1990-1997 (PDF)
  • Overview Report on Pharmaceutical Price Issues (PDF)



* For individual Trend Reports, contact the provincial drug plan.