Public Service Commission - Commission de la fonction publique

Client Satisfaction Survey

Our Pledge of Service to our Clients
What our Clients are Saying About Us

The Public Service Commission (PSC) wants to keep on improving the services it provides you. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions about the services we offered you today.

1. If you have used our services more than once, how often do you use them? Every...

2. What is your preferred method of service access?

You reached the PSC Web site to obtain information on federal Public Service job openings.

How satisfied were you with the following aspects of our service?

3. Easy to find our Web site.

4. Web pages load quickly.

5. Images and graphics are visually appealing.

6. The information was easy to locate.

7. The site has the information I need.

8. Documents and other information were easy to understand

9. It is clear what to do if I have a problem.

10. It is easy to print pages or application forms.

11. The waiting time to obtain an answer from e-mail is short.

12. Our e-mail notification service, Job Alert.

13. Did you get what you needed from our organization?

14. Overall, how satisfied were you with the service we provide?

If we could improve three aspects of our service, which three should we improve?

Indicate your first, second and third most important aspects for improvement from the following list, using only one "1", only one "2" and only one "3".

15. Ease of use of the site

16. Visual appeal of the site

17. Speed of the site

18. Clarity of the information on the site

19. Accuracy of the information on the site

20. Information on the hiring process in the federal Public Service

21. Information on the total length of time for a hiring process in the federal Public Service

22. Other

23. If other, please be concise

Should you have questions or comments on this survey, do not hesitate to contact the Public Service Commission.Thank you for providing us guidelines to improve and meet your expectations.