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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - for more resources and information

Manitoba Healthy Living:

Creating Safe Play Areas on Farms - for grant application and copy of the guide book go to:  http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/farmsafety/index.html   the information is available at the bottom of the site.

Childhood Agriculture Safety Network site:  http://childagsafety.org

Recent Publications:  (more available on SafeFarm site)

The Workplace Safety and Health Division  in conjunction with Manitoba Agriculture and Food administer the provincial farm safety.

Currently, agriculture accounts for a significant portion of reported workplace deaths and injuries. As with most of the other workplaces in Manitoba, the Workplace Safety and Health Act does apply to farm workplaces, affording all workers the same right to protection of their safety and health while at work.

To assist Manitoba’s farm families and operators in developing an enhanced safety culture, the Workplace Safety and Health Division will continue to develop and refine its mandate of:

Agricultural Bulletins and additionally, several studies have been conducted and papers prepared on various subjects address agricultural safety and health issues.

Continue to develop the level of surveillance of injuries and deaths occurring via AIISP, hospitalization reporting, fatality investigations and the Canadian Injury Surveillance Program. 


  • Collaborate with other interest groups and agencies that strive to make injury prevention a priority. These groups include: 
  • Western Manitoba Injury Prevention Network
  • North American Guidelines for Children’s Agricultural Tasks
  • Farm Safety 4 Just Kids
  • ABC’s on the Farm

Links to other agencies and service providers across Canada and the world will also provide answers and directions to many of the daily challenges of making our farms safer workplaces for tomorrow’s food supply managers to live and grow-up on.

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