

Manitoba Labour and Immigration
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Quick Links
Tips for Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba
Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba
Other Important Documents
Adjusting to a New Culture
Where to Go for Information and Assistance
Other Settlement Services

Your First Few Weeks in Manitoba

Welcome to Manitoba! Our province is known as a friendly place. We hope that you will have this experience too, as you begin your new life in Manitoba.

Over the last few years many people have worked together to find ways to help newcomers adjust to life in Manitoba. This guide is a result of their efforts. We hope it will give you the information you will need as you settle in and begin to feel at home in Manitoba.

This section offers only basic information, but the phone numbers, addresses and web sites in each section will help you to obtain current information. Many of the agencies also have a fax number and an Internet or E-mail address.

If you do not find the exact information you need, we encourage you to use the telephone directory for your city or town. The White Pages lists businesses, organizations and home phone numbers alphabetically. In Winnipeg, the gray pages at the back of the phone book list government phone numbers. A separate directory called the Yellow Pages lists companies and agencies alphabetically by subject category. To obtain a telephone directory (phone book), visit any phone centre or call (204) 941-8190.

If you do not know how to contact the service you want for information on government programs and services, call Manitoba Government Inquiry at 1-866-626-4862. This is a toll free number. You do not have to pay long distance phone charges.

Quick Links
Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba
Other Important Documents
Adjusting to a New Culture
Where to Go for Information and Assistance
Other Settlement Services

Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba

Temporary Accommodations

You may need a temporary place to stay when you first come to Manitoba, or while you are looking for a house or apartment. Look at web sites below to find "Bed and Breakfasts" or hotels to suite your price range. Bed and Breakfast homes are usually cheaper than hotels, but offer less privacy.


Bed & Breakfast of Manitoba
Web Site:


Travel Manitoba
Phone: (204) 927-7800
Toll Free: 1-800-665-0040*
Web Site: or
Call Travel Manitoba for a free Accommodation Guide.

Arrival at the Winnipeg Airport

If no one is meeting you at the Winnipeg Airport, you can take a taxi to your destination. A taxi costs about $15 (Cdn.) from the airport to downtown Winnipeg.


Canadian paper money comes in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. Coins come in 1¢ (penny), 5¢ (five cents or nickel), 10¢ (ten cents or a dime), 25¢ (25 cents or a quarter), $1 (loonie), and $2 (toonie).

Taxes are added to prices in Manitoba. (7% provincial sales tax (PST) and 7% Goods and Service tax (GST)). The price you see on items is not the final price you pay. For example, if you buy a $10 item, it will costs $11.40, because 70¢ PST and in most cases 70¢ GST will be added to the price.


The regular fare for the bus in Winnipeg is $2 for adults and $1.65 for children age five to sixteen. Children four years of age and younger ride free. You must pay exact fare on the bus. You can save money by buying bus tickets or a bus pass in advance. Look in the Winnipeg Yellow Pages phone book, under "Transit Guide and Telebus Directory" to find places where you can buy tickets or a pass, and information about bus schedules.

Medical Concerns

Medical and hospital services are free once you are a permanent resident in Manitoba. You can use medical services from the date you arrive. However, you must apply for a Manitoba Health Registration Certificate (health card). You must show this card when you use medical services (see details of how to get a card below, under "Things To Do During Your First Few Days").

If you or a family member get sick, and are not sure what to do, call Health Links at (204) 788-8200. You can call 24 hours a day. A registered nurse will answer your questions or tell you where to get services. They offer service in more than 100 languages, so you may be able to speak with an interpreter in your first language.  The nurse and the interpreter will help with your health-related question or problem.  Your conversation is confidential.

If a life threatening health emergency arises for you or a family member, call an Ambulance by dialing 911. An ambulance will take you to the nearest hospital. However, be aware, that you must pay a fee for ambulance service. In Winnipeg, an ambulance ride to the hospital costs approximately $265. Another way to get to the hospital is by taxi. Look in the Yellow Pages phone book, under Taxicabs.

In downtown Winnipeg, the closest hospitals are Health Sciences Centre at 820 Sherbrook Street, (204) 787-3167 or St. Boniface Hospital at 409 Taché Avenue, (204) 237-2260.

Quick Links
Tips for Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba
Other Important Documents
Adjusting to a New Culture
Where to Go for Information and Assistance
Other Settlement Services

Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba

A. Visit a settlement agency for information about living and working in Manitoba

International Centre of Winnipeg
2nd floor - 406 Edmonton Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 2M2
Phone: (204)943-9158
Web Site:

If you came to Manitoba as a government assisted or privately sponsored refugee claimant, contact Welcome Place.  They provide reception services and temporary accommodation, settlement information, sponsorship services, and inland refugee claim assistance.

Welcome Place (Interfaith Immigration Council)
397 Carlton Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 2K9
Phone: (204)977-1000
Web Site:

B. Obtain a Map for Newcomers

Newcomers Map (PDF, KB)

The Map for newcomers shows many agencies and services in downtown Winnipeg that will help you start your new life in Manitoba.  You can get this map online (see above) or at tone of the settlement agencies (International Centre or Welcome Place) listed above.

C. Open a Bank Account

It is not safe to carry large amounts of money (cash) with you.  It is recommended that you open a bank or credit union account soon after arriving to Winnipeg. Later, if you move to another part of the city, you can transfer your money to another branch of the bank or trust company.

Take your passport and landing documents with you  for identification when you open the account. Look in the Yellow Pages of the phone book, under "Banks", "Credit Unions" or "Trust Companies" to find a bank or credit union near you.

D. Apply for a Health Card (Manitoba Health Registration Certificate)

This card allows you to receive free medical and hospital services in Manitoba.  You can pick up an application for a Manitoba Health Card at these offices, or visit the Manitoba Health web site listed below. In rural Manitoba, go to the nearest municipal office to pick up an application.

Manitoba Health
100 – 300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 3M9
Phone: (204) 786-7101
Toll Free: 1-800-392-1207
Web Site:
City of Winnipeg
510 Main Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 1B9
Phone: (204) 986-2171 
Web Site:


  • Your spouse and children may also be listed on your card, if they live with you
  • You must show your card when you see a doctor, go to the hospital, or buy prescription medicine at a pharmacy
  • Buy extra health insurance if you plan to travel outside of Manitoba
  • Many employers offer additional health coverage in their benefits package.  For more information, see the Manitoba Health web site listed above.

E. Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) Card

The (SIN) card allows you to apply for a job in Manitoba or receive government benefits. You can pick up application form at your local office, or you may download an application from the Human Resource and Skill Development Canada (HRSDC) web site at

Winnipeg has four HRSDC offices. Look at the back of the White Pages phone book under Government of Canada, Employment, to find the office nearest you or contact :

  • Human Resource and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
    391 York Avenue
    Winnipeg MB R3C 0P4
    Phone: (toll free) 1-800-206-7218
    Web Site:
  • Outside Winnipeg, look in the phone book to find the nearest HRSDC office.

    To apply for a Social Insurance Number, you must complete an application form and show your landing documents or Permanent Resident Card. If the name on your landing documents or Permanent Resident Card is different from the one you are currently using, you must also provide a supporting document. It is important that documents are originals and that they are written in English or French.

    When you submit your application, ask for a receipt or temporary card - so you can apply for jobs while you wait for your card.  You will receive your card 4-6 weeks after you apply. Your first SIN card is free.

    F. If you want to learn English, sign up for English as an Additional Language (EAL) Classes

    English as an Additional Language (EAL) Classes

    People of all ages can take EAL classes in Manitoba.

    Children and youth of all ages can take free EAL classes at school. Contact the schools in your area for information about EAL classes. Look in the Yellow Pages under Schools.

    All adult newcomers who are Manitoba residents are eligible for free EAL classes if they are:

    • Permanent residents or Canadian citizens born outside Canada
    • Refugee claimants who have filed a claim with the Immigrant Refugee Board
    • Provincial Nominees (including spouses and adult children) who have received their Letter of Approval from the Province of Manitoba.

    Other temporary visa holders (students and visitors) are not eligible for MIIP EAL classes.

    All adult newcomers who want to take English classes must first have a language assessment. The assessment is free.

    • If you have lived in Manitoba for less than 3 months, you are invited to register for the ENTRY Program.  ENTRY is a 4-week morning program where you can learn about health services, employment, laws and getting around Winnipeg.  You will also meet many other newcomers and find new friends.  You can get an appointment for an English language assessment so you can take English as an Additional Language classes.  The ENTRY Program is at 259 Portage Avenue, 4th floor.  Register any weekday morning between 9 a.m. - noon. For more information about the ENTRY Program, please call 944-0133 or click here.
    • If you want an English language assessment, but have lived in Manitoba for more than 3 months, you can call the Adult Language Training Branch at (204) 945-6300 to make an appointment for the assessment.
    If you do not want to take English classes you can still receive information about living and working in Manitoba.  Call the Settlement and Labour Market Services Branch at 945-6300.  Make an appointment for a "settlement orientation".  The meeting will last about one hour.



    Quick Links
    Tips for Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba
    Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba
    Adjusting to a New Culture
    Where to Go for Information and Assistance
    Other Settlement Services

    Other Important Documents


    Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)

    CCTB provides tax-free monthly payments to help parents with the cost of raising their children.  The program is intended for parents with children under 18 years of age who have low or middle incomes.  To be eligible to receive for CCTB, you must live with the child and be a resident of Canada fro income tax purposes.

    The CCTB may include the following:

    • National Child Benefit (NCB) - provides low-income families with additional child benefits on top of CCTB.
    • Child Disability Benefit (CDB) - a tax-free benefit for families who care for a child under age 18 with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions.
    • Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) - a new initiative designed to assist Canadian families, as they seek to balance work and family life, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support.  The UCCB payment is paid on behalf of children under the age of 6 years in installments of $100 per month per child.

    Canada Revenue Agency
    325 Broadway
    Winnipeg,  MB R3C 4T4
    Toll Free: 1-800-387-1193


    Child-Related Income Support Program (CRISP)

    CRISP helps lower income families with the cost of raising their children.  Eligibility is based on the previous year's total family income.  Applications may be submitted anytime during the year.  If eligible, you would receive a monthly supplement of up to $30 per month per child.  You may be eligible if you:

    • live in Manitoba;
    • have a child or children under 18 living with you and in your care;
    • have a valid Manitoba Health Registration Number that includes these dependent children;
    • receive the Canada Child Tax Benefit payment for these children;
    • have a family income within the specified levels; and
    • have current family assets with a new worth or $200,00 or less

    Persons who receive income assistance are not eligible for CRISP benefits; however, those who receive only the health care benefits portion of income assistance may apply.

    If you live in Winnipeg, you can pick up an application at the International Centre of Winnipeg ((204) 943-9158) or Welcome Place ((204) 977-1000).  In other towns or cities you can pick up an application form at your municipal office, or contact:

    PO Box 3000
    203 South Railway Street East
    Killarney MB R0K 1G0
    Phone: 523-5230
    Toll-free outside Killarney, Manitoba:  1-800-563-8793
    Web Site:

    Quick Links
    Tips for Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba
    Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba
    Other Important Documents
    Where to Go for Information and Assistance
    Other Settlement Services

    Adjusting to a New Culture

    You may experience many emotions during your first years in Manitoba. Every individual adapts in their own way. However, many newcomers pass through three emotional phases as they adjust to their new life. It is important to understand that these are NORMAL feelings.

    Phase One: Many newcomers have high hopes and expectations when they first come to Manitoba. They usually say it is an exciting time of new experiences. They feel confident and able to cope with problems and stresses. In some cases, they are joining other family members they have not seen for a long time.

    Phase Two: Newcomers have many good and some difficult experiences during the first six months. They may feel very happy about the challenges they have overcome. However, they may also be disappointed by some things. They may find that it takes a long time to understand the language and customs. They may have trouble finding a job. As a result, they might be frustrated, confused, sad, anxious or depressed. It is normal to have mixed emotions; very positive one day and very negative the next. They may have physical symptoms, such as loss of appetite or sleep.

    Phase Three: Most people eventually become more comfortable and confident. They are less frustrated and anxious. This may take several years for older people, who have strong traditional habits and customs. Others, especially young people, may adjust easily. Sooner or later most newcomers will adapt and begin to feel at home.

    Here is some advice from immigrants and refugees who have successfully adapted to a new culture:

    • Remember that your negative feelings are only a phase that will pass.
    • Keep busy with school or other activities.
    • Surround yourself with friends or family members.
    • Write or phone your friends or family.
    • Seek professional help from a doctor or counselor. Asking for help or a referral to a doctor or counselor may be very helpful. It shows that you are looking after yourself and looking for ways to cope with the situation.

    If you know of someone who needs counseling assistance during their adjustment to living in Manitoba, tell them to contact Mount Carmel Clinic at (204) 582-2300, Welcome Place at (204) 977-1000), International Centre at (204) 943-9158, Needs Centre for War Affected Families (204) 477-7432, or Jewish Child and Family Services at (204) 477-7432.

    Adapted from A Newcomer's Introduction to Canada.

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    Quick Links
    Tips for Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba
    Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba
    Other Important Documents
    Adjusting to a New Culture
    Other Settlement Services

    Where to Go for Information and Assistance

    Your first few weeks in Manitoba may be exciting because everything is new. However, you might feel confused by all the new information you receive. You may wonder what you should do first and where you can go for help. The following pages contain a list of organizations that have special programs and services for immigrants. Many of them have multilingual staff who can serve you in your first language.

    Accueil Francophone
    100 - 614 rue Des Meurons Winnipeg, MB R2H 2P9
    Phone: 984-5628 Fax: 948-3020
    Web Site:
    Offers settlement services for French speaking immigrants, including initial welcome and orientation, needs assessment and referral to essential services.

    Age and Opportunity Centre
    200 - 280 Smith Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 1K2
    Phone: (204) 956-6440
    Fax: (204) 946-5667
    Web Site:
    Offers programs, activities and English classes for seniors.

    Bilingual Service Centres
    100 - 614 Des Meurons Street Saint Boniface, MB R2H 2P9
    Phone: (204) 945-6220
    Outside Winnipeg call toll free: 1-866-267-6114
    Web Site:

    51 Rodgers Street
    Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes MB R0G 1M0
    Phone: (204) 248-2771

    427 Sabourin Street
    St-Pierre-Jolys MB R0A 1V0
    Phone: (204) 433-2579

    Offers general information or specific services from various government departments. Staff are bilingual – French and English.

    Citizenship and Immigration Canada
    4th floor, Johnston Terminal,
    25 Forks Market Road, Winnipeg MB R3C 4S9
    Toll Free: 1-888-242-2100*
    Web Site:
    - Provides information on immigration and processes applications for permanent residence, employment authorizations, sponsorships and visas.
    - Administers funds for government sponsored refugees.

    Collège universitaire de Saint Boniface
    200 ave de la Cathédrale. Saint Boniface, MB R2H 0H7
    Phone: (204) 233-0210
    Web Site:
    Offers university courses in French and French and Spanish language training courses, as well as part time credit and non-credit courses for speakers of French who are learning English.

    Community Legal Education Association (CLEA)
    501-294 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3C 0B9
    Phone: (204) 943-2382
    Toll Free: 1-800-262-8800 (Outside Winnipeg)
    Web Site:
    Offers a variety of free training courses about the law and legal issues.
    Lawyers provide legal information through a free phone-in service 943-2305.

    Consumer’s Association
    218 Osborne Street S., Winnipeg, MB R3L 1Z3
    Phone: (204) 452-2576
    Toll Free: 1-888-596-0900
    Web site:
    Offers free access to consumer and product information, publications, complaint referrals, and other resources.

    Court of Canadian Citizenship
    400-25 Forks Market Road, Winnipeg MB R3C 4S9
    Toll Free: 1-888-242-2100*
    Processes applications for citizenship after 3 years in Canada. Citizenship applications take approximately 10 months to process.

    Employment Projects of Winnipeg, Inc. (EPW)
    990 - 167 Lombard Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3E5
    Phone: (204) 949-5300 Fax: (204) 944-4918
    Web Site:
    Provides specialized employment preparation and job search programs for immigrants in highly skilled professions, semi-skilled trades, and entry level jobs.  Also offers computer training.

    Employment Solutions for Immigrant Youth
    200 - 249 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 1N8
    Phone: 944-8833 Fax: 944-8787
    Employment program for immigrant youth between 15-30 years of age who are receiving Income Assistance and/or are self-supporting.

    Fort Garry Community Network
    Immigrant & Refugee Outreach Program

    c/o 262 Dalhousie Drive Winnipeg MB R3T 2Z1
    Phone: 261-0163 Fax: 261-8374
    They offer home visits and information for newcomers in the Fort Garry/Fort Richmond areas of Winnipeg.  They maintain an inventory of services for newcomers.  They organize community meetings for newcomers.  They promote partnerships among social agencies, government, youth groups, parent councils, faith based organizations, and interested community members.

    Healthy Start for Mom and Me
    2nd floor - 406 Edmonton Street Winnipeg MB R3B 2M2
    Phone: 949-5350 Fax: 949-4800
    Pre-Natal and post-natal classes for newcomers
    Interpreters available.
    Clients learn about having a baby in Canada.
    Babysitting provided for children up to 5 years of age who accompany their mom.
    Nurse and dietician available.

    Immigrant Women’s Association of Manitoba
    University of Winnipeg Library
    5th floor - 515 Portage Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9
    Phone: 989-5800
    Fax: 989-5801
    Provides advocacy for immigrant and refugee women.  Referral service.  Drop-in centre Saturdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.  Immigrant youth internship project.

    Immigrant Women's Counselling Services
    200-323 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3B 2C1
    Phone: (204) 940-2172
    Counseling for immigrant women who are facing violence or suffering trauma in their lives.  Group counseling regarding healthy relationships, anger management, parenting, and self-esteem.
    Translation and interpretation services
    Emergency food program for families in financial crisis.
    Information, referral and public education.

    Immigration and Multiculturalism Division
    Manitoba Labour and Immigration

    500 - 213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1N3
    Phone: (204) 945-6300 Fax: (204) 948-2148
    Web Site:
    -Provides English language assessments and referrals to Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.  Coordinates Adult ESL in Manitoba through the Adult Language Training Branch.
    -Coordinates and funds settlement-related programs. Offers settlement and employment-related information to newcomers through teh Settlement and Labour Market Services Branch.
    -Assists individual and ethnocultural communities through the Multiculturalism Secretariat
    -Conducts overseas promotion and recruitment through the Provincial Nominee Program

    International Centre/Citizenship Council of Manitoba
    2nd Floor - 406 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2M2
    Phone: (204) 943-9158
    Web Site:
    Offers settlement and support services to newcomer immigrants.  Offers individualized assessments to meet client needs.  Offers 24 hour emergency interpreter services (after hours call (204)943-7954) and a language bank of translation services.  Nutrition classes, citizenship classes, driver education, ESL conversation circles, professional enhancement and outreach services.

    Jewish Child & Family Services
    C200-123 Doncaster Street, Winnipeg, MB R3N 2B2
    Phone: (204) 477-7430 Fax: (204) 477-7450
    Web Site:
    -Offers settlement services to newcomers of Jewish ancestry, including referral, employment preparation, job placement, referral to vocational training.
    -Offer (for the general public) individual and group psycholigical interventions, and support groups on topics such as family relationships and parenting.

    Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council
    Welcome Place

    397 Carlton Street
    Winnipeg, MB R3B 2K9
    Phone: (204) 977-1000
    Web Site:
    Offers settlement services for Government-Assisted and Privately Sponsored Refugees, Refugee Claimants and their families - including initial reception and accommodations, orientation, needs assessment and referral, adjustment counseling and support, interpretation and translation services, inland protection, private sponsorship, support to sponsoring groups, and volunteer services.

    Mount Carmel Clinic
    Multicultural Wellness Program

    886 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 5L4
    Phone: (204) 589-9420 or 589-9429 Fax: (204) 582-1341
    Email: or
    Offers counseling and support for immigrants, refugees, victims of torture and other newcomers experiencing mental health difficulties and acculturative stresses resulting from cultural change or traumatic events prior to coming to Canada.

    Needs Centre for War Affected Families
    251 - A Notre Dame Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3B 1N8
    Phone: (204) 940-1260
    Web Site:
    Helps war affected immigrant and refugee children, youth and adults to adapt to life in Manitoba.  Offers programs and counseling, language training, computer training, family and community activities.

    Occupational Health Centre
    102 - 275 Broadway Winnipeg MB R3C 4M6
    Phone: 949-0811
    Web Site:
    Trainers from Filipino, Punjabi, Salvadorean, and Vietnamese communities provide educational workshops and assistance to communities for work-related health and saftey issues.  Services are offered in first language.
    Physicians see workers who have work-related injuries and illnesses and provide medical opinions on worker compensation claims.

    Pluri-Elles Manitoba
    570 Des Meurons Street vWinnipeg, MB R2H 2P8
    Phone: (204) 233-1735 or 1-800-207-5874
    Fax: (204) 233-0277
    Web Site:
    All French speaking Manitobans are eligible for services at Pluri-Elles.
    Women: Individual and group counseling; referrals to counseling and workshops
    Children: Community Action Program for Children
    Men and Women: Job search assistance for individuals and groups, basic computer training, French language literacy program and GED preparation in French.  Resource centre.

    Red River College
    2055 Notre Dame Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3H 0J9
    Phone: (204) 632-2311
    Web Site:

    Princess Street Campus
    160 Princess Street
    Winnipeg MB R3B 1K9
    Web Site:

    Sexuality Education Resources Centre (SERC)
    (formerly Planned Parenthood of Manitoba)
    2nd floor - 555 Broadway
    Winnipeg, MB R3C 0W4
    Phone: (204) 982-7800
    Toll Free: 1-800-432-1957*
    Fax: (204) 982-7819
    Web Site:

    719 Rosser Avenue
    Brandon, MB R7A 0K8
    Phone: (204) 727-0417
    Fax: (204) 729-8364

    Offers reproductive health information, pre-and post natal information, parenting education and sexuality education for newcomers. No pre-natal classes.  Health interpretation services in the area of reproductive, maternal/child health, and sexual health.

    SMD Services (Society for Manitobans with Disabilities)
    825 Sherbrook Street
    Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5

    Ethnocultural Program
    Phone: (204) 975-3067
    Web Site:
    Assists adults and children with disabilities to access appropriate services in the community. They provide a wide range of rehabilitative supports for individuals with disabilities. They have staff from different cultures who speak a variety of languages.

    Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program
    Phone: (204) 975-3080
    TTY: 975-3083
    Web Site:
    Language and math programs for deaf and hard of hearing adult newcomers. Classes in American Sign Language (ASL), ESL, English literacy, and orientation to living in Canada.

    Société franco-manitobaine
    212-383 boul. Provencher
    Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G9
    Phone: (204) 233-2556/233-ALLÔ
    Web Site:
    Provide services for francophones in Manitoba.


    (Go to Common Utilities to download the viewer.)

    Success Skills Centre
    440-500 Portage Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3C 3X1
    Phone: (204) 975-5111
    Fax: (204) 975-5108
    Web Site:
    Job and career counseling assistance for highly skilled and professional immigrants. Computer lab and internet access available on site.

    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
    Phone: (204) 474-8808
    Web Site:

    University of Winnipeg
    515 Portage Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9
    Phone: (204) 786-7811
    Fax: (204) 783-7080
    Web Site:

    Victor Mager Adult Education Program
    101 – 1549 St. Mary’s Road
    Winnipeg MB R2M 5G9
    Phone: (204) 253-1906
    Fax: (204) 253-3942
    An employment assistance program that offers guidance, support and training needed to pursue employment.  Educational upgrading and vocational training.  Participants must meet EI, E&IA or NCB criteria.

    Vital Statistics Agency
    254 Portage Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3C 0B6
    Phone: (204) 255-5390
    Toll Free: 1-800-282-8069 ext. 3701 (Within Manitoba only)
    Web Site:
    Office where you can apply for Birth, Death or Marriage certificates.

    A Woman's Place
    200 - 323 Portage Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 2C1
    Phone: 940-6624 Fax: 940-1971
    Domestic violence support and legal services for women in or leaving abusive relationships.

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    Quick Links
    Tips for Moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba
    Things To Do During Your First Few Days in Manitoba
    Other Important Documents
    Adjusting to a New Culture
    Where to Go for Information and Assistance

    Other Settlement Services

    Links in Winnipeg: 

    Links in Manitoba:

    • Portage la Prairie International Agency
      97 Saskatchewan Avenue East
      Portage la Prairie,  MB R1N 0L8
      Phone: (204) 239-8327
      Web Site:
    • South Central Settlement & Employment Services
      100 - 571 Main Street
      Winkler MB R6W 1G3
      Phone: (204) 325-4059
      Fax: (204) 325-4158
    • Steinbach & District Immigrant Settlement Program (SISP)
      Unit 1 - 10 Chrysler Gate Box 1795
      Steinbach MB R0A 2A0
      Phone: (204) 346-6609 Fax: (204) 346-9710
    • Westman ESL & Settlement Services (WESLS)
      729 Princess Avenue 
      Brandon MB R7A 0P4
      Phone: (204) 727-6031 Fax: (204) 725-4786
    Other Links:

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