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  The Senior's Resource Network - Connecting With The Community

Seniors network - happy seniors

The Senior's Resource Network offers access to social activities, information services, educational resources and communication tools via the Internet - all serving to maintain and improve health, quality of life, support personal independence and encourage involvement in community life.

  Mural Fest 2007: CALL FOR ENTRIES - First Application Deadline: December 8, 2006

Graffiti Art Programming Inc. invites mural artists to enter a two-stage open public art competition. A minimum of five mural artists will be selected and paid $8,000 each to participate in an International
Mural Festival and Symposium
held in Winnipeg in July, 2007. Mural artists will submit original designs to be reproduced on site at approximately 1000 sq. ft. on vinyl material attached to outdoor building surfaces in and around downtown Winnipeg. Details

 Who Are the Next Doctors? Maybe one of the next doctors is you...

Who are the next doctors?
It’s a question you’ve likely heard a lot lately. Find out about about a career choice that offers unlimited job opportunities, financial freedom and a flexible schedule... a career that is in high demand in Manitoba!

  French for Life - Say Oui To Opportunity!

globe logo 

French for Life was created to promote French Second Language (FSL) education in general, and has a focus on the benefits of French Immersion and Basic French programs. It targets those groups, which do not have French as a first language, but can however, significantly impact on the continuance and expansion of the use and appreciation of the French language and culture within the province of Manitoba.

  U of M's Bachelor of Education Information Session: December 5, 2006  

 U of M

Students who are interested in applying to U of M's Bachelor of Education program are invited to attend an information session on December 5, 2006 from 7 - 8 pm. RSVP today! This session will be of interest not just for students who are applying for September 2007, but for also students who are interested in applying in upcoming years. The B.Ed. application deadline is February 1, 2007.