Corporate Services:                                   Learn about the City Council, City Departments, Virtual City Hall, Job Opportunities, Read our Press Releases, and Receive Visitor Information                             Business Development:                              Business Development Overview, Demographic Information, McMillan Industrial Park, Labour Development, City Owned Land, and Infastructure Information                              Explore the Community:                            Attractions, Accomodations, Heritage, Shopping & Services, Recreation & Leisure, and Location InformationInquiries

                              Corporate Services:                                   Learn about the City Council, City Departments, Virtual City Hall, Job Opportunities, Read our Press Releases, and Receive Visitor Information

                             Business Development:                              Business Development Overview, Demographic Information, McMillan Industrial Park, Labour Development, City Owned Land, and Infastructure Information                               Explore the Community:                            Attractions, Accomodations, Heritage, Shopping & Services, Recreation & Leisure, and Location Information

Business/Employer Immigration Open House
A Business/Employer Immigration Open House will be held on November 22, 2006 at 7:00 pm at the Herman Prior Centre for those who are seeking to fill vacant positions in their establishments.
For More Info
Pool Closures
Due to repairs, the slide at the Southport Aquaplex will be closed from November 28 to December 8.
For all closures click here.
WinterLights Cancelled to Restructure for 2007
The WinterLights committee regrets to inform the community that the December 1 event has been suspended due to some unforeseen events. Plans are underway to create a memorable 2007 WinterLights event. The WinterLights committee looks forward to building a new program, new partnerships and the opportunity to welcome new volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact the Economic and Community Development Department at 239-8321.

Manitoba Hydro Power Smart Island of Lights
Don't miss this year's presentaton of our three-time National Award Winning light show!
For More Info Click Here
Agricultural Land for 2007 Biosolids Program
The City of Portage la Prairie is looking to rent approximately ¼ section of agricultural land to apply wastewater treatment residual biosolids for the Spring 2007 Land Application of Biosolids program.
Click here for details

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City By-Laws in PDF format.

Economic & Community Development Department Newsletter