Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988

November 19, 1999





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Manitoba to Receive Hundreds

Of Additional Skilled Workers

Manitoba will be eligible to receive an additional 250 skilled workers this year through the expansion of a federal-provincial immigration agreement aimed at addressing labour shortages in high-demand occupations, said Becky Barrett, minister of labour and multiculturalism.

The announcement follows the Manitoba government’s call for changes to the Provincial Nominee Program for 1999. The federal government’s decision to grant Manitoba’s request means the province can nominate a total of 450 skilled workers and their families for immigration to the province this year, Barrett said.

"The shortage of skilled workers is of critical concern to Manitoba," said Barrett, who met recently with Elinor Caplan, federal minister of citizenship and immigration. "I am pleased that the federal government moved to help us address a situation that has the potential to impact on the health of our economy."

Under the terms of the Provincial Nominee Program, the Manitoba government seeks out foreign workers who have the skills needed by local employers, and takes an active role in the federal process for assessing and selecting immigrants.

"This program is an effective way for Manitoba to take a more direct role in attracting workers with the skills that are in demand in the local job market," Barrett said. "Our program continually receives requests for workers from employers, as well as applications from qualified candidates who are eager to make Manitoba home."

In 1998 Manitoba became the first province to establish a provincial nominee program, which enabled Manitoba to recruit and nominate 200 families per year for four years. To date, Manitoba has received 2,500 applications, and nominated 400 individuals and their families, representing a total of 1,336 immigrants.

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